Chiara Petrocchi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Psychodynamic university counseling: which factors predict psychological functioning after intervention? FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Psychological Counseling among University Students Worldwide: A Systematic Review EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATION IN HEALTH, PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION. 2023
Parental Experiences of Coming Out: From "Un-doing Family Bonds" to "Family Generativity" JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY 2022
Non-binary people living in a binary world: Experiences and expectations in gendered places XXX Congresso della Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) 2022
Representations of health, illness and care by Eastern European, South American and Italian nurses: a qualitative study JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Self-harm and attachment in adolescents: What is the role of emotion dysregulation? Self-harm and attachment in adolescents: What is the role of emotion dysregulation?EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY 2017
Mindfulness moderates the relationship between aggression and Antisocial Personality Disorder traits: Preliminary investigation with an offender sample. COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY 2016
Gender moderates the relationship between attachment insecurities and emotion dysregulation SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Disregolazione e coping nei percorsi di procreazione medicalmente assistita. Un’indagine esplorativa GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA 2016
Alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, impulsivity and aggression: a multiple mediation model PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH 2016
Psychopathology, traumatic experiences and attachment in adolescent prostitution MALTRATTAMENTO E ABUSO ALL'INFANZIA 2016
Bell lysaker emotion recognition test: a contribution for the italian validation Abstracts of the 23rd European Congress of PsychiatryEUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY 2015
“At any cost”: emotion regulation in infertile couples Atti del XVI Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP), Sezione Psicologia Clinica e DinamicaMEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2015
4th International Consultation on Sexual Medicine June 19–21, 2015 Melia Castilla Hotel, Madrid, Spain JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2015
Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Mindfulness skills in infertile couples MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2015
Le rappresentazioni mentali in psicoterapia cognitiva ATQUE 2015

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