Giulia Pecora


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The role of loneliness and positivity on adolescents’ mental health and sleep quality during the COVID-19 pandemic CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2024
The Role of Social Withdrawal Motivations in the Links Between Time Spent Alone and Internalizing Difficulties among Italian Children and Adolescents Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) 2024
Examining Links Between Motivations for Social Withdrawal, Time Spent Alone, and Indices of Internalizing Problems in Childhood and Early Adolescence THE JOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE 2024
Quantità e qualità del tempo trascorso da soli e difficoltà internalizzanti in bambini, bambine e preadolescenti: Validazione di nuovi strumenti nel contesto educativo italiano Associazione Italiana di Psicologia 2023
Complementary feeding approach and maternal responsiveness in 8- and 12-month-old Italian infants: A longitudinal study APPETITE 2023
Lo sviluppo dell'alimentazione nel bambino. Breve rassegna delle evidenze scientifiche. 2023
Motivations for Social Withdrawal, Mental Health, and Well-Being in Emerging Adulthood: A Person-Oriented Approach BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 2023
Online Assessment of Motor, Cognitive, and Communicative Achievements in 4-Month-Old Infants CHILDREN 2022
Infant sleep and development: Concurrent and longitudinal relations during the first 8 months of life INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT 2022
Abstractness emerges progressively over the second year of life OPEN ACCESS SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2022
Complementary feeding and maternal responsiveness in 8-month-old infants XXIII International Congress of Infant Studies, Ottawa, Canada 2022
Is a baby-led weaning style related to motor and language development? Preliminary evidence from two cultures Protolang Conference-online 2021
Indices of social knowledge in Italian-speaking children. Relations between personal pronouns, verb conjugations and mental state language FIRST LANGUAGE 2019
The development of delay tolerance and the effect of symbolic representation in the preschool period. JOURNAL OF COGNITION AND DEVELOPMENT 2019
Relations between temperament and false belief understanding in the preschool age JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES 2018
Executive Function Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior 2017
The moderating role of internalizing emotionality on the relation of self-regulation to social adjustment in Italian preschool aged children COGNITION & EMOTION 2016
False belief understanding and "cool" inhibitory control in 3-and 4-years-old Italian children FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2015

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