Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Status report on the CMS forward muon upgrade with large-size triple-GEM detectors | 2014 IEEE Nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference, NSS/MIC 2014 | 2016 |
Quality control and beam test of GEM detectors for future upgrades of the CMS muon high rate region at the LHC | JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION | 2015 |
Performance of the gas gain monitoring system of the CMS RPC muon detector | JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION | 2015 |
CMS Technical design report for the Muon Endcap GEM upgrade | 2015 | |
Fiber Bragg grating sensors for deformation monitoring of GEM foils in HEP detectors | Proceedings 2015 6th IEEE International workshop on advances in sensors and interfaces, IWASI 2015 | 2015 |
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