Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Eating our eco-anxieties away: How climate change threat and collective impotence fuel the consumption of vice food, | Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy | 2024 |
Climate change, safety threat, and consumer food responses | Proceedings of the International Marketing Trends Conference | 2024 |
The resistance toward COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A study of psychological reactance among young adults in Italy | HEALTH POLICY | 2023 |
Exploring young adults’ unwillingness to adopt COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A mixed-method study | SINERGIE | 2023 |
Climate change, needs frustration, and consumer responses | Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy | 2023 |
Climate Change threats, needs frustration, and consumer responses: An exploratory study | Conference Proceedings Sinergie-SIMA | 2022 |
The failure of COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A psychological reactance theoretical perspective | Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy | 2021 |
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