Alessio Matiz


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Inter-brain co-activations during mindfulness meditation. Implications for devotional and clinical settings CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION 2021
Bloccati fuori e dentro. La pandemia ha avuto un impatto negativo sul benessere psicologico di bambini, adolescenti e genitori italiani PSICOLOGIA E SCUOLA 2021
Effects of mindfulness-oriented meditation on healthy individuals’ self-reported dissociative experience, mindfulness skills and interoceptive awareness MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
An exploratory study on the relationship between mind wandering and mindfulness and the effects of meditation on spontaneous thoughts GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA 2020
Stuck Outside and Inside: An Exploratory Study on the Effects of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Italian Parents and Children’s Internalizing Symptoms FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2020
Differential effects of mindfulness meditation conditions on repetitive negative thinking and subjective time perspective: a randomized active-controlled study PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 2020
Positive impact of mindfulness meditation on mental health of female teachers during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2020
La meditazione mindfulness per i disturbi del neurosviluppo Manuale di logopedia in età evolutiva 2020
Annali di Meditazione e Neuroscienze 2020
The role of self body brushing vs mindfulness meditation on interoceptive awareness: A non-randomized pilot study on healthy participants with possible implications for body image disturbances EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 2020
Follow-up study on the reduction of burnout levels through mindfulness meditation in health care professionals GIORNALE ITALIANO DI MEDICINA DEL LAVORO ED ERGONOMIA 2020
Spontaneous eye movements during focused-attention mindfulness meditation PLOS ONE 2019
Effect of mindfulness meditation on personality and psychological well-being in adult patients with multiple sclerosis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MS CARE 2018
Single vs. Group mindfulness meditation: Effects on personality, religiousness/spirituality and mindfulness skills MINDFULNESS 2018
Effects of mindfulness meditation on conscious and non-conscious components of the mind APPLIED SCIENCES 2017
Improving personality/character traits in individuals with alcohol dependence: the influence of mindfulness-oriented meditation JOURNAL OF ADDICTIVE DISEASES 2015

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