Alessandro Belardini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Addressable refraction and curved soliton waveguides using electric interfaces APPLIED SCIENCES 2019
Photo-acoustic detection of chirality in metal-polystyrene metasurfaces APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2019
Stigmergic reinforcement learning using All-Optical soltionic X-junctions EOS SIOF CAPRI MEETINGS OµS’19 2019
Quantitative evaluation of emission properties and thermal hysteresis in the mid-infrared for a single thin film of vanadium dioxide on a silicon substrate INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES 2019
Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy Reveals Extrinsic Optical Chirality in GaAs-Based Nanowires Partially Covered with Gold INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS 2018
Resonant Absorption in GaAs-Based Nanowires by Means of Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS 2018
All-Optical Reinforcement Learning in Solitonic X-Junctions SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Investigation of Zinc Oxide/Diatom Frustules Hybrid Powders INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS 2018
Thermal scan of metal based metasurface and evidence of circular dichroism and optothermal anisotropy Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2018
Evidence of Optical Circular Dichroism in GaAs-Based Nanowires Partially Covered with Gold ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 2017
Self-Phase-Matched Second-Harmonic and White-Light Generation in a Biaxial Zinc Tungstate Single Crystal SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Novel paradigm for integrated photonics circuits: transient interconnection network Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VI 2017
Photo-acoustic spectroscopy revealing resonant absorption of self-assembled GaAs-based nanowires SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Chiral near-field manipulation in Au-GaAs hybrid hexagonal nanowires OPTICS EXPRESS 2017
Precise detection of circular dichroism in a cluster of nano-helices by photoacoustic measurements SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Electronic Properties of a Functionalized Noble Metal Nanoparticles Covalent Network JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C 2017
Hybrid metal-organic conductive network with plasmonic nanoparticles and fluorene (Conference Presentation) PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE : the international society for optical engineering 2017
Self-Assembled Silver-Germanium Nanolayer Metamaterial with the Enhanced Nonlinear Response ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 2017
Diatom frustules decorated with zinc oxide nanoparticles for enhanced optical properties NANOTECHNOLOGY 2017
Photo-acoustic spectroscopy of resonant absorption in III-V semiconductor nanowires Optics InfoBase Conference Papers 2017


  • PE3_12


  • Micro/nano electronics & photonics

Interessi di ricerca

nanofotonica, plasmonica, ottica


chirality nanophotonics metamaterials

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma