Caterina Pasquazzi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Unexpected rise in the circulation of complex hbv variants enriched of hbsag vaccine-escape mutationshbvn HB genotype-d. Potential impact on hbsag detection/quantification and vaccination strategies EMERGING MICROBES & INFECTIONS 2023
Resistance analysis and treatment outcomes in hepatitis C virus genotype 3-infected patients within the Italian network VIRONET-C LIVER INTERNATIONAL 2021
Genetic Determinants in a Critical Domain of NS5A Correlate with Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhotic Patients Infected with HCV Genotype 1b VIRUSES 2021
Key mutations in the C-terminus of the HBV surface glycoprotein correlate with lower HBsAg levels in vivo, hinder HBsAg secretion in vitro and reduce HBsAg structural stability in the setting of HBeAg-negative chronic HBV genotype-D infection EMERGING MICROBES & INFECTIONS 2020
Characterization of baseline factors associated with treatment outcome in HCV-infected patients naive to direct acting antivirals: particular focus on natural resistance DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE 2019
The novel HBx mutation F30V correlates with hepatocellular carcinoma in vivo, reduces hepatitis B virus replicative efficiency and enhances anti-apoptotic activity of HBx N terminus in vitro CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 2019
Trend of estimated glomerular filtration rate during ombistasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir plus dasabuvir ± ribavirin in HIV/HCV co-infected patients PLOS ONE 2018
HDV can constrain HBV genetic evolution in hbsag: Implications for the identification of innovative pharmacological targets VIRUSES 2018
Safety and efficacy of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir/dasabuvir plus ribavirin in patients over 65 years with HCV genotype 1 cirrhosis INFECTION 2018
Prevalence of single and multiple natural NS3, NS5A and NS5B resistance-associated substitutions in hepatitis C Virus Genotypes 1-4 in Italy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Characterization of resistance profiles in HCV 2-3-4 DAA-naïve and DAA-experienced infected patients in Italy DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE 2018
Frequent NS5A and multiclass resistance in almost all HCV genotypes at DAA failures: What are the chances for second-line regimens? JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 2018
Multiclass HCV resistance to direct-acting antiviral failure in real-life patients advocates for tailored second-line therapies LIVER INTERNATIONAL 2017
Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir and dasabuvir combination treatment in patients with HIV/HCV co-infection: results of an italian compassionate use program CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2017
Ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir, plus ribavirin for patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 or 4 infection with cirrhosis (ABACUS): a prospective observational study THE LANCET. GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY 2017
Hepatitis Delta Antigen (HDAg) is characterized by an extensive degree of genetic variability that correlates with elevated levels of serum HDV-RNA Journal of hepatologyJOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 2017
The circulation of specific vaccine-escape HBsAg mutations in HBV genotype D infected patients correlates with high viremia and affects HBsAg detection and quantification JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 2017
In HBeAg-negative chronic HBV infection, HBsAg levels profoundly vary among different HBV-genotypes and can be influenced by the degree of HBsAg variability: can quantitative HBsAg truly reflect intra-hepatic HBV reservoir? JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY 2017
Novel HBsAg mutations correlate with hepatocellular carcinoma, hamper HBsAg secretion and promote cell proliferation in vitro ONCOTARGET 2017
Improvement of ALT decay kinetics by all-oral HCV treatment: Role of NS5A inhibitors and differences with IFN-based regimens PLOS ONE 2017

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