Fernanda Fischione


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
“You left a void that we will never be able to fill”: The legacy of Edmond Amran El Maleh in a contemporary Moroccan novella OPEN RESEARCH EUROPE 2023
Be Like Adam's Son: Theorising, Writing and Practising Peace in the Arab Region 2023
Lo spazio letterario nella critica marocchina (1984-2011). Tra approcci formalistici e ricerca di nuovi paradigmi ANNALI DI CA' FOSCARI. SERIE ORIENTALE 2022
Una via personale verso l’iltizām: gli articoli di Ġālib Halasā su “al-Ādāb” (1960-1965) LA RIVISTA DI ARABLIT 2022
La professionalizzazione dell’industria musicale araba indipendente: contro il paradigma della music of resistance DIVE-IN 2022
Il setaccio. Traduzione e introduzione di Fernanda Fischione 2022
In search of words: Ghālib Halasā’s translation of La poétique de l’espace by Gaston Bachelard and the debate around space and place in Arabic literary criticism RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI 2022
Introduzione Il setaccio. Traduzione e introduzione di Fernanda Fischione 2022
Critique of Religious Sectarianism through Satire: A Case Study of Lebanese Rap Creative Resistance: Political Humour in the Arab Uprisings 2020
“A Village That Harbours the Oppressed”? Amman and the Jordanian Novel (1980–2000) Minorities and State-Building in the Middle East: The Case of Jordan 2020
Cantare la rivoluzione. Musica e parole da un mondo arabo che cambia Arabpop. Arte e letteratura in rivolta dai Paesi arabi 2020
Beyond the Myth of Inter-Arab Solidarity: Mashreq/Maghreb Interactions in Two Contemporary Jordanian Novels Qamariyyāt: Oltre ogni frontiera tra letteratura e traduzione. Studi in onore di Isabella Camera d’Afflitto 2020
Intra-religious peaceful coexistence in Arabic literature: The case of the Jordanian writer Ġālib Halasā RELIGIOUS DIALOGUE AND COOPERATION 2020
The Great Arab Revolt in Historical Fiction: Echoes of the Great War in Contemporary Jordan LA RIVISTA DI ARABLIT 2019
Untranslatability and Text-based Specificity as a Form of Resistance: The case of Levantine Arabic Rap in the aftermath of the 2011 uprisings MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION 2019
From Boasting to Social Engagement: Humorous Traits in Levantine Arabic Rap Arabic Literature in a Posthuman World Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Association for Modern Arabic Literature (EURAMAL), May 2016, Oslo 2019
La fila 2018
Building a Homeland on the Ruins of Literature: al-Bukā' ʿalà al-atlāl by Ġālib Halasā as a Case Study ALTRE MODERNITÀ 2018
Che cosa il colonialismo fa a me: Intervista a El Rass [con traduzione di canzoni rap] Confini. Argo - Poesia del nostro tempo 2018
Building a Homeland on the Ruins of Literature: al-Bukā’ ʿala al-atlāl by Ġālib Halasā as a Case Study ALTRE MODERNITÀ 2018

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