Roberto Capata


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A comparison between a microturbine and a scroll-type expander for a small scale orc energy recovery system for vehicular application ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE) 2017
Expander selection for an on board ORC energy recovery system ENERGY 2017
Implementing a hybrid series bus with gas turbine device - a preliminary study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND SCIENCE 2016
An artificial neural network-based diagnostic methodology for gas turbine path analysis—part I: introduction ENERGY, ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2016
An artificial neural network-based diagnostic methodology for gas turbine path analysis—part II: case study ENERGY, ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2016
A model proposal for the electric energy valorization in a pv power plant equipped with CAES system INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, INNOVATION & NEW TECHNOLOGY 2016
Experimental tests on a pre-heated combustion chamber for ultra micro gas turbine device: air/fuel ratio evaluation ENGINEERING 2016
Nitrox capture and abatment by digested slurry stripping plant: a case study 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Information Systems and Technology Innovations: the New Paradigm for a Smarter Economy” 2016
Photovoltaic and Micro-Hydroelectric proposed plant for stand alone electric generation in a Sixty-Floor Skyscraper (P60) 17th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability 2016
Experimental tests of the operating conditions of a micro gas turbine device JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND POWER ENGINEERING 2015
Energy market impact of renewable energy source Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC 2015) 2015
Experimental fitting of the re-scaled balje maps for low-reynolds radial turbomachinery ENERGIES 2015
Aerodynamic brake for formula cars WORLD JOURNAL OF MECHANICS 2015
Design, prototyping and preliminary testing of a Ti-Al gas turbine blade Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Conference & Exposition 2015
Development of micro-grippers for tissue and cell manipulation with direct morphological comparison MICROMACHINES 2015
Proposed design procedure of a helical coil heat exchanger for an ORC energy recovery system for vehicular application MECHANICS, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2015
Preliminary feasibility study of a floating offshore wind plant along Italian coastal area ECOS 2015 - 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems 2015


  • PE8_6
  • PE8_8


  • Advanced manufacturing & processing

Interessi di ricerca

Ultra Micro Turbine a Gas per la generazione di potenza portatile, Veicoli Ibridi e loro implementazione, Scambiatori ramificati e loro scaling, Sistemi a fluido organico ORC per il recupero di calore a bassa entalpia, applicazioni e ottimizzazione delle macchine a fluido in ambito biomedico, Controllo emissioni MCI, studio e ottimizzazione di materiali innovativi per le pale delle turbine a gas


micro turbine
Energy systems

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma