Luigi Lepore


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Novel Applications of State-of-the-Art Gamma-Ray Imaging Technique: From Nuclear Decommissioning and Radioprotection to Radiological Characterization and Safeguards IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE 2024
Seeing radioactivity: Gamma-ray imaging technique applied to TRIGA RC-1 Research Reactor in ENEA Casaccia EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 2023
Simplified approach for preliminary evaluation of effective dose rates for field applications of d-t neutron generators INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING 2021
Reproducibility of Radon-in-Water Measurements by Emanometry Technique RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY 2020
Development of an electrostatic precipitator prototype to reduce exposure to radon progeny in poorly ventilated workplaces JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH AND APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Design and commissioning of an innovative radon chamber with a single  226Ra source and continuous variation and control of concentration vs. time NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 2019
First survey on radon concentration in mineral spring waters in Lazio region, Italy Book of abstracts 3rd international conference “Radon in the environment 2019” 27-31 May 2019, Kraków, Poland 2019
Radon concentration in self-bottled mineral spring waters as a possible public health issue SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
An inexpensive and continuous radon progeny detector for indoor air-quality monitoring WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 2019
Indoor radon survey in university buildings: a case study of Sapienza - University of Rome WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 2019
Alpha spectrometry with the inexpensive open-source detector Alphaino 2019
Commissioning dosimetry and in situ dose mapping of a semi-industrial Cobalt-60 gamma-irradiation facility using Fricke and Ceric-cerous dosimetry system and comparison with Monte Carlo simulation data RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY 2018
The Neutron Active Interrogation System for In-Field Detection of Transuranic-Based Radioactive Dispersal Devices for Security Applications Nuclear Safety, Security, and Cyber Security; Computer Code Verification and Validation (Vol. 4) 2018
Radiation protection consideration on radon and building materials radioactivity in Near Zero Energy Buildings Atti di convegno 2017
Considerations on reduction of indoor air pollution from radioactive emissions from building materials and the ground Air Pollution XXV 2017
Application of prompt self-powered neutron detectors to the lead-cooled fast reactor demonstrator ALFRED: validation of the monte carlo model for selected SPNDs JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND RADIATION SCIENCE 2017
A proposal for an alternative use of prompt-Self Powered Neutron Detectors: Online spectral-deconvolution for monitoring high-intensity neutron flux in LFRs NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 2017
In field application of differential Die-Away time technique for detecting gram quantities of fissile materials NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 2017
Radiation protection considerations on radon and building materials radioactivity in Near Zero Energy Buildings ENERGY PROCEDIA 2017
On capabilities and limitations of current fast neutron-flux monitoring instrumentation for the DEMO LFR ALFRED JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND RADIATION SCIENCE 2016

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