Giada Maria Rotisciani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Wetting-induced instabilities: Triggering mechanism and predisposing factors 8th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT 2023 2023
Calibration of an Advanced Constitutive Model Through Direct Shear Test Results International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics IACMAG 2021: Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics 2021
Unsaturated structured soils: constitutive modelling and stability analyses ACTA GEOTECHNICA 2021
Numerical study of laterally loaded pile in unsaturated soils Geotechnical Research for Land Protection and Development. Proceedings of CNRIG 2019 2020
Time evolution of the height of dredged mud in a containment facility: a comparison between monitoring data and numerical predictions Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 2020
Numerical investigation of the behaviour of hydraulically dredged fine-grained soils during and after filling of the containment facility of the port of Gaeta GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES 2020
Physical modelling of piles under lateral loading in unsaturated soils E3S Web of Conferences 2020
Numerical modelling of the response of an unsaturated silty soil under wetting and gravitational loading processes E3S Web of Conferences 2020
Model preparation for unsaturaterd soil testing in a centrifuge environment 4th European Conference on Physical modelling in Geotechnics 2020
Numerical analysis of wetting‐induced instabilities in partially saturated soils under plane strain conditions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS 2019
Numerical study of the mechanical behavior of fine- grained dredged sediments Proceedings of the XVII ECSMGE 2019. Geotechnical Engineering foundation of the future 2019
Modellazione numerica dei processi di consolidazione dei fanghi di dragaggio nella vasca di colmata di Gaeta Atti Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica 2018 2018
Analysis of rainfall-induced slope failures The 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils - UNSAT2018 2018
Hydro-mechanical behavior of an embankment during inundation CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL 2017
Studio del comportamento di rilevati stradali durante processi di imbibizione 2017
Design, construction and monitoring of a building with deep basements in Rome CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL 2016
Modelling of imbibition process in an embankment scale model E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 2016
Hydro-mechanical response of collapsible soils under different infiltration events INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS 2015
Choice of constitutive models in the design of excavations in coarse-grained soils supported by cantilever walls 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ECSMGE 2015 2015
Modellazione di processi di imbibizione in un rilevato Atti Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica 2015; Sezione: Contributo. 2015

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