Paola Buzi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The Third Dimension of Coptic Books: Sacrality in Materiality RELIGIONS 2024
Il Romanzo di Cambise: alcune osservazioni sulla fortuna di un genere e una proposta di nuova datazione Egypt in Ancient and Modern Tales, Travels and Explorations. Studies presented to Marlina Betrò 2024
The Coptic Codices of the Museo Egizio, Turin. Historical, Literary, and Codicological Feature 2023
From Bernardino Drovetti's Collection to Amedeo Peyron's Classification. The Coptic Literary Codices Held in the Museo Egizio: An Overview The Coptic Codices of the Museo Egizio, Turin. Historical, Literary, and Codicological Feature 2023
Multiple Translation Activities Routledge Handbook on the Sciences in Islamicate Societies: Practices from the 2nd/8th to the 13th/19th Centuries 2023
The Dawn of Coptic Studiesin the Shadow of the "City of the Two Towers": Giovanni Luigi Mingarelli and Two Forgotten Noteworthy Coptological Achievements Pharaonen, Mönche und Gelehrte Auf dem Pilgerweg durch 5000 Jahre ägyptische Geschichte über drei Kontinente. Heike Behlmer zum 65. Geburtstag. Heike Behlmer zu 65. Geburstag 2023
ⲙⲛⲧϩⲣⲱⲙⲁⲓⲟⲥ: Reflections on the Forms of Use of the ‘Language of the Romans’ in Late Antique Egypt. Textual, Archaeological and Epigraphic Sources Latin and Coptic. Languages, Literatures, Cultures in Contact 2022
New Testament Titles in the Coptic Manuscript Tradition: An Overview RELIGIONS 2022
CODICES COPTICI RESCRIPTI. A Preliminary Census of the Palimpsests from the White Monastery THE REDISCOVERY OF SHENOUTE. Studies in Honor of Stephen Emmel 2022
Africa Literature: A World History 2022
Dalla campagna di salvataggio dell'Unesco all'Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature: i monumenti cristiani dell'Egitto e della Nubia negli archivi fotografici delle missioni egittlogiche della Sapienza. Fotografare Bisanzio. Arte bizantina e dell'Oriente mediterraneo negli archivi italiani 2022
The Geography of Coptic Literature Coptic Literature. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium of Coptic Studies by the Saint Mark Foundation Monastery of St. Bishoi (Wadi al-Natrun), 10–14 February, 2019 2022
From the Filed to the Web and Back. Resuming Archaeological Activieties in Sudan VICINO ORIENTE 2022
Christian Oriental Colophons: Notes for a Structural Analysis (with a Look to the Past): A Preface COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES BULLETIN 2022
Fantasmi dal passato. Brevi note sui rapporti tra ebrei e cristiani nella letteratura omiletica e agiografica copta, tra costruzione ideologica e falsi bersagli HENOCH 2022
Translations into Coptic and their contexts (3rd–5th/11th centuries) Routledge Handbook on the Sciences in the Islamicate Societies. Practices from the 2nd/8th to the 13th/19th Centuries 2022
Coptic Literature Literature: A World History, Volumes 1-4 2022
Il progetto ERC “PAThs” e i suoi primi risultati: Lo Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature e la dimensione geografica dei manoscritti copti ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI. CLASSE DI SCIENZE MORALI, STORICHE E FILOLOGICHE 2021
La lingua copta 2021
The Unusual Story of a Wandering Book and its Physical Metamorphosis Exploring Written Artefacts. Objects, Methods, and Concepts 2021

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