Titolo |
Pubblicato in |
Anno |
G. Gabra, H.N. Takla (eds.), Christianity and Monasticism in Middle Egypt. Al-Minya and Asyut, Cairo – New York, American University in Cairo Press, 2015 |
2016 |
Jiménez-Serrano, C. von Pilgrim (eds.), From the Delta to the Cataract. Studies dedicated to Mohamed el-Bialy, Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2015 |
2016 |
Titoli e colofoni. Riflessioni sugli elementi paratestuali dei manoscritti copti saidici |
Colofoni armeni a confronto. Le sottoscrizioni dei manoscritti in ambito armeno e nelle altre tradizioni scrittorie del mondo mediterraneo, Atti del Colloquio Internazionale, Bologna, 12-13 ottobre 2012 |
2016 |
recensione a: Malcolm CHOAT, Iain GARDNER, A Coptic Handbook of Ritual Power (P.Macq. I 1) (The Macquarie Papyri, 1), Ancient Cultures Research Centre, Macquarie University, Brepols, Turnhout 2013, pp. I-IX + 1-121, con CD-ROM |
2016 |
Re-Interpreting History. Constantine and the Constantinian Age According to Coptic Hagiography |
Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22th, 2012 and Plenary Reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th-19th, 2008 |
2016 |
The Coptic site of Manqabad. An Italian-Egyptian project |
2016 |
A. Boud’hors, Le Canon 8 de Chénouté d’après le manuscrit Ifao Copte 2 et les fragments complémentaires, vol. 1: Introduction, édition critique, vol. 2: Traduction, index, planches, Institut Français d’archéologie orientale, Bibliothèque d’études coptes 21.1-2, Cairo 2013, ISBN 978-2-7247-0615-4, pp. I-VIII + 1-775 (€ 90). |
2015 |
Archeologia, Egitto |
Enclopedia Treccani. IX Aggiornamento |
2015 |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Cataloguing in A. Bausi, P.G. Borbone, F. Briquel-Chatonnet, P. Buzi, J. Gippert, C. Macé, M. Maniaci, Z. Melissakis, L.E. Parodi, W. Witakowski, Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Paleography, in A. Bausi, P.G. Borbone, F. Briquel-Chatonnet, P. Buzi, J. Gippert, C. Macé, M. Maniaci, Z. Melissakis, L.E. Parodi, W. Witakowski, Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Coptic Palaeography |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Coptic Codicology. Materials and tools |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Coptic Codicology. The codex as a complex object |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Coptic Codicology. Text structure and readability |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Coptic Codicology. The scribe, the painter an the illuminator at work. persons, places ad methods. Colophons. |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
What a catalogue is and the emergence of scientific cataloguing |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Catalogues of Coptic manuscripts |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
Types of catalogues: checklists, summary catalogues, analytical catalogue, 'special catalogues' |
Handbook of Comparative Oriental Manuscripts Studies. An Introduction |
2015 |
The Forgotten Scholar (1755-1809): At the Dawn of Egyptology and Coptic Studies |
2015 |