Carlo Doglioni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Global versus local clustering of seismicity: Implications with earthquake prediction CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS 2023
One to many seismogenic sources: from single earthquakes to seismic sequences Abstracts Annual Meeting European Geosciences Union 2023
Oscillating tidal stress loading on the lithosphere Abstracts Annual Meeting European Geosciences Union 2023
Why do we need new models of earthquake occurrence? Abstracts Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America 2023
Tidal drag and westward drift of the lithosphere GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS 2023
Clustering Analysis of Seismicity in the Anatolian Region with Implications for Seismic Hazard ENTROPY 2023
Fault dip vs shear stress gradient GEOSYSTEMS AND GEOENVIRONMENT 2023
New clues for seismic hazard from statistical properties of seismicity, rheology and tectonics XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) abstracts 2023
Can foreshocks be discriminated from seismic swarms? Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2023
Feedback processes and fault memory as rulers of seismicity Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union 2023
Do Solid Earth Tides have a local behaviour? First results from the analysis of 20-year GNSS timeseries XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023
A site-specific earthquake ground response analysis using a fault-based approach and nonlinear modeling: The Case Pente site (Sulmona, Italy) ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 2023
Subsurface geological and geophysical data from the Po Plain and the northern Adriatic Sea (north Italy) EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA. PAPERS IN OPEN DISCUSSION 2023
Assessing crustal stability via fault stress perturbation analysis EGU General Assembly 2022 2022
Scaling properties of seismicity and faulting EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 2022
Correlation between seismic activity and tidal stress perturbations highlights growing instability within the brittle crust SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2022
Estimation of the maximum earthquakes magnitude based on potential brittle volume and strain rate: The Italy test case TECTONOPHYSICS 2022
Tectonic setting and fault roughness vs earthquake double couple Atti 40° convegno nazionale del GNGTS 2022
Earth’s gradients as the engine of plate tectonics and earthquakes LA RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA 2022
How details of faulting affect large scale properties of seismicity and tectonics Congresso Società Geologica Italiana 2022

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