Carlo Doglioni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Ground deformation and source geometry of the 30 October 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake (Central Italy) investigated through seismological data, DInSAR measurements, and numerical modelling REMOTE SENSING 2018
On the increasing size of the orogens moving from the Alps to the Himalayas in the frame of the net rotation of the lithosphere GONDWANA RESEARCH 2018
A classification of induced seismicity GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS 2018
Can Lithosphere Sinking at Subduction Zones Provide Constraints on Global Mantle Convection? American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018 2018
Transfer zones in an oblique back-arc basin setting. Insights from the Latium-Campania segmented margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) TECTONICS 2017
Field- to nano-scale evidence for weakening mechanisms along the fault of the 2016 Amatrice and Norcia earthquakes, Italy TECTONOPHYSICS 2017
Horizontal mantle flow controls subduction dynamics SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Mantle convection: clues from lithosphere sinking at subduction zones and numerical modelling. S-IT23_O_e 2017
Asymmetric convergent margins: what controls the hinge motion in subduction zones? S-GL33_O_e 2017
Geodetic model of the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence inferred from InSAR and GPS data GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 2017
Hydrogeochemical changes before and during the 2016 Amatrice-Norcia seismic sequence (central Italy) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Groundwater changes in the Nera river valley due to the August-October 2016 seismic sequence in central Italy Flowpath 2017 Proceedings 2017
Longer aftershocks duration in extensional tectonic settings SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Fault zone evolution and fluid circulation within active extensional faults in carbonate rocks 2016
Hydrogeological monitoring to assess possibly pre-seismic correlations of groundwater changes with seismic activity in central Italy RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2016
Hydrogeological monitoring to assess possible pre-seismic correlations of groundwater changes with seismic activity in central Italy RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2016
Phyllosilicate injection along extensional carbonate-hosted faults and implications for co-seismic slip propagation. Case studies from the central Apennines, Italy JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2016
The Ventotene Volcanic ridge. A newly explored complex in the central Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY 2016
Why did life develop on the surface of the Earth in the Cambrian? GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS 2016
Origin and role of fluids involved in the seismic cycle of extensional faults in carbonate rocks EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 2016

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