Filomena Maggino


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Il Macroscopio. La statistica che genera democrazia. PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Statistica e comunicazione PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Il Macroscopio. Analizzare le performance con la statistica PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Il Macroscopio. Persone oltre i numeri PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Il Macroscopio. Osservare, analizzare e comprendere la complessità PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Il Macroscopio. Misurare la qualità della vita. Un problema di indicatori PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Il Macroscopio. Il machine learning per l’analisi delle offerte di lavoro PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Il Macroscopio. Ma … le statistiche sono in grado di descrivere adeguatamente la realtà?" PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Il Macroscopio. Big data: falsi miti, limiti e reali potenzialità PERSONE & CONOSCENZE 2017
Measuring Stability and Change: Methodological Issues in Quality of Life studies SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH 2016
Методологични предизвикателства при измерване благоденствието на държавите: случаят със субективното благоденствие NASSELENIE 2016
Indicators of happiness vs quality of happiness: methodology and theory Handbook of research methods and applications on happiness and quality of life 2016
Challenges, Needs and Risks in Defining Wellbeing Indicators A Life Devoted to Quality of Life Festschrift in Honor of Alex C. MichalosSOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH SERIES 2016
Non-aggregative Assessment of Subjective Well-being Topics in Theoretical and Applied StatisticsSTUDIES IN THEORETICAL AND APPLIED STATISTICS SELECTED PAPERS OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETIES 2016
Sustainability and Well-Being: The Perception of Younger Generations and Their Expectations Florence Sustainability of Well-Being International Forum 2015: Food for Sustainability and Not Just Food – FlorenceSWIF2015AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURE SCIENCE PROCEDIA 2016
Sustainability and Food: a Text Analysis of the Scientific Literature Florence Sustainability of Well-Being International Forum 2015: Food for Sustainability and Not Just Food – FlorenceSWIF2015AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURE SCIENCE PROCEDIA 2016
A Life Devoted to Quality of Life - Festschrift in Honor of Alex C. Michalos SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH SERIES 2016
The complex relationship between wellbeing and resources: the Italian Studies contribution Current challenges in social sciences 2016
Defining and measuring quality of life and wellbeing, between complexity and limit QUALITÀ 2015

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