Piero Cascone


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Prosthetic rehabilitation with partial removable and aesthetic dentures (Valplast) in a patient with recurrent right TMJ ankylosis: a case report Minerva stomatologicaMINERVA STOMATOLOGICA 2016
Diagnosi e terapia delle patologie dell'ATM: aspetti chirurgici. Diagnosis and therapy of TMJ pathologies: surgical aspects DENTAL CADMOS 2016
Variability in a three-generation family with pierre robin sequence, acampomelic campomelic dysplasia, and intellectual disability due to a novel ∼1 Mb deletion upstream of SOX9, and including KCNJ2 and KCNJ16 BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH. PART A, CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR TERATOLOGY 2016
The use of piezosurgery in cranial surgery in children THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 2015
Temporomandibular-external auditory canal fistulas treatment: patient with air into the synovial compartment THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 2015
Tinnitus in patients with temporo-mandibular joint disorder: proposal for a new treatment protocol JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 2015
Fast and early mandibular osteodistraction: the long-term follow-up of mandibular distraction osteogenesis on teeth position THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY 2015
Facial impaled trauma involving anterior cranial fossa: case report JOURNAL OF TRAUMA & TREATMENT 2015
Neuronavigational approach for orbital neurofibroma excision: a case report JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGYIS 2015
Oral health related quality of life in cleft lip and palate patients rehabilitated with conventional prostheses or dental implants JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PREVENTIVE AND COMMUNITY DENTISTRY 2015

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