Alessandro Corsi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Riminucci M and Corsi A: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Morimoto A et al., Nat Commun 2021 12(1):2136]. In Faculty Opinions, 17 Jun 2021; 103410/f.739916141.793586070 F1000 PRIME REPORTS 2021
Riminucci M and Corsi A: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Haseeb A et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2021 118(8)]. In Faculty Opinions, 23 Sep 2021; 10.3410/f.739603334.793588412 F1000 PRIME REPORTS 2021
Immunohistochemical differences in squamous precancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity and the larynx: preliminary data APPLIED SCIENCES 2021
Acute rejection on immune-mediated chronic rejection after liver transplantation GAZZETTA MEDICA ITALIANA. ARCHIVIO PER LE SCIENZE MEDICHE 2021
A rare case of low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the retromolar trigone OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 2021
Squamous cell papilloma-like presentation of multiple neurovascular hamartomas of the oral cavity EAR, NOSE & THROAT JOURNAL 2021
Dilated odontoma arising in the mandibular third molar germ: report of a case of an unusual lesion in an uncommon site DIAGNOSTICS 2021
Riminucci M and Corsi A: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Hensley AP and McAlinden A, Bone 2021 143:115760]. In Faculty Opinions, 18 Nov 2021; 10.3410/f.739085488.793589705 F1000 PRIME REPORTS 2021
Secondary desmoplastic fibroma-like tissue changes in mandibular fibrous dysplasia: clinicopathological and molecular study of a case BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 2020
Changes in gene expression in human skeletal stem cells transduced with constitutively active Gsα correlates with hallmark histopathological changes seen in fibrous dysplastic bone PLOS ONE 2020
Standardised nomenclature, abbreviations, and units for the study of bone marrow adiposity: report of the nomenclature working group of the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2020
Laryngeal tuberculosis in renal transplant recipients: a case report and review of the literature BOSNIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020
F1000Prime recommendation of Respect the poster F1000 PRIME REPORTS 2020
Riminucci M and Corsi A: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Marder E, elife 2020 9]. In F1000Prime, 03 Apr 2020; 10.3410/f.737407597.793572806. F1000 PRIME REPORTS 2020
Solitary juvenile xanthogranuloma of the hypopharynx. Clinico-pathologic study in a child with β-Thalassemia Major and Cutaneous Mastocytosis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY 2020
Acute myeloid leukemia shapes the bone marrow stromal niche in vivo HAEMATOLOGICA 2020
Lingual cyst with respiratory epithelium: the importance of differential diagnosis BOSNIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES 2020
Neonatal combination therapy for Mucopolysaccharidosis type I: is it greater than the sum of its parts? MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM 2020
Letter to the Editor on: Renal medullary carcinoma and its association with sickle cell trait: a case report and literature review. Curr Oncol. 2020 February;27(1):e53–e56 CURRENT ONCOLOGY 2020
Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Mortier GR et al., Am J Med Genet A 2019 179(12):2393-2419]. In Faculty Opinions, 27 May 2020; 10.3410/f.736785092.793574463. F1000 PRIME REPORTS 2020


  • LS4_1


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Physiology, pathology, cellular and molecular biology and biotechnology of skeletal tissues. Extra-skeletal pathologic anatomy with particular reference to head and neck pathology.


musculoskeletal system
musculoskeletal diseases
skeletal stem cells
Head and Neck Neoplasms/pathology
Clinicopathological features

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma