Francesco D'Angelo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Can pancreatic cancer be detected by adrenomedullin in patients with new-onset diabetes? The PaCANOD cohort study protocol TUMORI 2018
Cancer rate of the indeterminate lesions at low or high risk according to italian system for reporting of thyroid FNA FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY 2018
IVC resection with prosthesis replacement for recurrent leiomyosarcoma ( with video ) JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED SURGERY 2018
The Role of Neoadjuvant Therapy in Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer Dealing with Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer, What Comes First? Advances in Pancreatic Cancer 2018
Role of Vascular Resection in the Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of Digestive Disease-2018 Conference Handbook 2018
Neoadjuvant treatment in pancreatic cance. Evidence-based medicine? A systematic review and meta-analysis MEDICAL ONCOLOGY 2017
Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer. an evolving concept ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 2017
Follow-up after curative resection for gastric cancer. Is it time to tailor it? WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2017
Esophagectomy with esophagocoloplasty for malignancies. indications, technique (with Video), and results. systematic review of the literature JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY 2017
Pancreatectomy combined with multivisceral resection for pancreatic malignancies. Is it justified? Results of a systematic review HPB 2017
Tumor-Stroma Ratio is an independent predictor for overall survival and disease free survival in gastric cancer patients SURGEON 2017
In vivo bioluminescence-based monitoring of liver metastases from colorectal cancer: An experimental model JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY AND ULTRASTRUCTURE 2017
Pulmonary metastases from gastric cancer. Is there any indication for lung metastasectomy? A systematic review MEDICAL ONCOLOGY 2016
Adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies in resectable pancreatic cancer. a systematic review of randomized controlled trials MEDICAL ONCOLOGY 2016
Oncologic value of laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy for advanced gastric cancer. A systematic review and meta-analysis JOURNAL OF MINIMAL ACCESS SURGERY 2016
Comparison of multiple training models of surgical rotation for third-year medical students A prospective study ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA 2016
Adrenomedullin in pancreatic carcinoma. a case-control study of 22 patients INTEGRATIVE CANCER SCIENCE AND THERAPEUTICS 2016
Transthoracically or transabdominally. how to approach adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus and cardia. A meta-analysis TUMORI 2016
Metastases from renal cell cancer to the thyroid gland. a systematic review of 175 cases between 1964 and 2016 WORLD CANCER RESEARCH JOURNAL 2016
Routine extra-hepatic bile duct resection in gallbladder cancer patients without bile duct infiltration. A systematic review SURGEON 2016

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