Federico Di Rita


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Late Holocene environmental dynamics, vegetation history, human impact, and climate change in the ancient Literna Palus (Lago Patria; Campania, Italy) REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY 2018
Quaternary disappearance of tree taxa from Southern Europe. Timing and trends QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 2017
Mid to late holocene environmental changes along the coast of western Sardinia (Mediterranean Sea) GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 2017
A first report of biodeterioration caused by cyanobacterial biofilms of exposed fossil bones. A case study of the middle Pleistocene site of La Polledrara di Cecanibbio (Rome, Italy) INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION 2016
Marine response to climate changes during the last five millennia in the central Mediterranean Sea GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 2016
Sedimentology, faunal content and pollen record of Middle Pleistocene palustrine and lagoonal sediments from the Peri-Adriatic basin, Abruzzi, eastern central Italy QUATERNARY RESEARCH 2016
Holocene dynamics of tree taxa populations in Italy REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY 2015
Lateglacial-early holocene vegetation history of the Tiber delta (Rome, Italy) under the influence of climate change and sea level rise REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY 2015
Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the northern harbour at the Elaiussa Sebaste archaeological site (south-eastern Turkey). Evidence from core ELA6 TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 2015
Archaeopalynological preparation techniques Plant microtechniques and protocols 2015


  • PE10_6
  • LS8_5
  • SH6_3

Interessi di ricerca

I have carried out pollen analysis of Holocene, lateglacial, Late Pleistocene and Early Pleistocene sediments from various environmental contexts (coastal lakes, lagoons, estuarine sites, volcanic maar, tectonic basins, marine sediments, and inorganic and organic archaeological remains) cooperating with geologists, archaeologists, sedimentologists and palaeontologists from various Italian and foreign universities My main research interests are:

1) palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of Holocene lagoon and lacustrine coastal sites in Italy, through the analysis of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, and micro-charcoals carried out on sediments, with particular attention to the vegetation changes in response to geomorphic processes, climate and human impact.

2) palaeovegetational and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of continental and coastal basins in Italy during the Pleistocene, mainly addressed to: a) investigate the vegetation development at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition; b) add new data and understandings on the long-term forest dynamics through the glacial/interglacial cycles of the Pleistocene.

3) detection and characterization of regional and supra-regional vegetation changes driven by centennial- to millennial-scale fluctuations of climate occurred in the central Mediterranean region (e.g. Younger Dryas, pre-boreal Oscillation, 4.2 ka event, centennial variability of the Solar magnetic activity and North Atlantic Oscillation).

4) investigation of the influence of human activities on the evolution of the vegetation during the last millennia, with a special focus on the coastal ecosystems.


human impact

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma