Stefano Cerbelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Analytic prediction of the effective reaction rate for methane cracking in molten catalysts: Transition from kinetics-dominated to diffusion-limited regimes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 2024
Two-phase flow effect on methane conversion in pyrolysis reactors embedding molten salts or metals INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 2024
Fractionation of a three-particle mixture by Brownian sieving hydrodynamic chromatography CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 2023
Calcium Looping for Thermochemical Storage: Assessment of Intrinsic Reaction Rate and Estimate of Kinetic/Transport Parameters for Synthetic CaO/Mayenite Particles from TGA Data INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 2023
Calcium Looping for Thermochemical Storage: Assessment of Intrinsic Reaction Rate and Estimate of Kinetic/Transport Parameters for Synthetic CaO/Mayenite Particles from TGA Data INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 2023
Comparison between one- and two-way coupling approaches for estimating effective transport properties of suspended particles undergoing Brownian sieving hydrodynamic chromatography PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 2022
Modelli per la simulazione e la progettazione di celle di elettrolisi a carbonati fusi operanti ad alta e media temperatura 2022
Impact of transversal vortices on the performance of open-tubular liquid chromatography JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 2022
Taming Taylor-Aris dispersion through chaotic advection JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 2022
50-Fold reduction of separation time in open-channel hydrodynamic chromatography via lateral vortices ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2022
Shape-enhanced open-channel hydrodynamic chromatography ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2022
Estimate of the height of molten metal reactors for methane cracking CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS 2022
Toward minimal complexity models of membrane reactors for hydrogen production MEMBRANES 2022
Brownian sieving effect for boosting the performance of microcapillary hydrodynamic chromatography. Proof of concept ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2021
Brownian sieving enhancement of microcapillary hydrodynamic chromatography. Analysis of the separation performance based on Brenner's macro-transport theory JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A 2021
Sviluppo e validazione di modelli cinetici descrittivi dei sistemi termochimici selezionati e di un modello teorico descrittivo delle prestazioni dell’unità di accumulo termochimico in diverse configurazioni geometriche e condizioni operative 2021
Validazione sperimentale dei modelli cinetici descrittivi dei sistemi termochimici selezionati e progettazione di massima dell’unità di stoccaggio per integrazione con utenze reali; densità di accumulo effettiva e stima preliminare dei costi 2021
Derivation of an enhanced Sherwood number accounting for reaction rate in membrane reactors. Steam reforming of methane as case study CATALYSIS TODAY 2020
Combining electrostatic, hindrance and diffusive effects for predicting particle transport and separation efficiency in deterministic lateral displacement microfluidic devices BIOSENSORS 2020
A discussion of possible approaches to the integration of thermochemical storage systems in concentrating solar power plants ENERGIES 2020

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