Enrico Cortesi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The prognostic relevance of HER2-positivity gain in metastatic breast cancer in the ChangeHER trial SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
About RAS Mutation Clearance in Plasma ctDNA From RAS-Mutant Colorectal Cancer Patients JCO PRECISION ONCOLOGY 2021
PANHER study: a 20-year treatment outcome analysis from a multicentre observational study of HER2-positive advanced breast cancer patients from the real-world setting THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MEDICAL ONCOLOGY 2021
3MO Oncogenic non-G12C {KRAS} mutations in {KRAS} G12C mutated lung adenocarcinomas in {TRACERx} and {GENIE}: A reservoir for intrinsic resistance to {KRAS} G12C inhibitors ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 2021
Impact of baseline and on-treatment glycemia on everolimus-exemestane efficacy in patients with hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer (EVERMET) CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 2021
'Immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced inflammatory arthritis persists after immunotherapy cessation' by Braaten et al: another point of view ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES 2020
Immune-related adverse events correlate with clinical outcomes in NSCLC patients treated with nivolumab: the Italian NSCLC expanded access program LUNG CANCER 2020
Impact of BMI on HER2+ metastatic breast cancer patients treated with pertuzumab and/or trastuzumab emtansine. Real-world evidence JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 2020
Fracture risk and survival outcomes in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients sequentially treated with abiraterone acetate and RADIUM-223 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING 2020
Elective procedures for prostate cancer in the time of Covid-19. a multidisciplinary team experience PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES 2020
Efficacy and tolerability of selective internal radiotherapy with Yttrium-90 as consolidation treatment after chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer CLINICAL COLORECTAL CANCER 2020
Baseline CD44v6-positive circulating tumor cells to predict first-line treatment failure in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer ONCOTARGET 2020
Circulating methylated DNA to monitor the dynamics of RAS mutation clearance in plasma from metastatic colorectal cancer patients CANCERS 2020
Status of correlation between BMI and response to immunocheck-point inhibitor in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer LUNG CANCER MANAGEMENT 2020
Cabozantinib After a Previous Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Multi-Institutional Analysis TARGETED ONCOLOGY 2020
The Pan-Immune-Inflammation Value is a new prognostic biomarker in metastatic colorectal cancer: results from a pooled-analysis of the Valentino and TRIBE first-line trials BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 2020
Correction to: Cabozantinib After a Previous Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Multi-Institutional Analysis (Targeted Oncology, (2020), 15, 4, (495-501), 10.1007/s11523-020-00732-y) TARGETED ONCOLOGY 2020
Long-term outcome of pemetrexed maintenance for advanced nonsquamous non-small-cell lung cancer: A real-world observational cohort study|Risultati a lungo termine della terapia di mantenimento con pemetrexed nei pazienti affetti da tumore polmonare non a piccole cellule in stadio avanzato e istologia non squamosa: Uno studio osservazionale di coorte condotto nella pratica clinica del mondo reale RECENTI PROGRESSI IN MEDICINA 2020
A simplified genomic profiling approach predicts outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer CANCERS 2019
Transient disappearance of RAS mutant clones in plasma: A counterintuitive clinical use of EGFR inhibitors in RAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer CANCERS 2019

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma