Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
CO2 laser ablation of oral leukoplakia: with or without extension of margins? | LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA | 2020 |
Rimozione di fibroma ossificante interincisivo tramite laser a diodi. Inter-incisor ossifying fibroma removal by diode laser | DENTAL CADMOS | 2020 |
Clinical and histological evaluation after oral biopsies performed by 450 nm blue diode laser | PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY | 2019 |
Low level laser therapy: a prophylactic approach for oral mucositis in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation | MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA | 2018 |
User-friendly diode laser in oral surgery | MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA | 2018 |
Peripheral cementifying fibroma of the gingiva: a case report | MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA | 2018 |
Subcutaneous emphysema during root canal therapy: endodontic accident by sodium hypoclorite | ANNALI DI STOMATOLOGIA | 2017 |
Treatments of the oral leukoplakia by laser | PROGRESS IN BIOMEDICAL OPTICS AND IMAGING | 2016 |
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