Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Public space and urban quality | TECHNE | 2020 |
Abitare le aree interne per vivere insieme passato e futuro | IL RECUPERO DEI CENTRI STORICI MINORI VII Convegno Diffuso Internazionale San Venanzo - Terni, 17-21 settembre 2019 | 2020 |
Il progetto come volontà e rappresentazione:dai big data all’apprendimento collettivo | Design in the Digital Age. Technology Nature Culture|Il Progetto nell’Era Digitale. Tecnologia Natura Cultura | 2020 |
“Green Economy for Sustainable and Adaptive Architectures and Cities: Objectives, Guidelines, Measures, Actions” | SBE: Urban Planning, Global Problems, Local Policies | 2020 |
“Green City Approach e new Welfare per le città italiane: dalle Linee Giuda alle strategie d’intervento” | ANANKE | 2020 |
Urban Health. Partecipatory action-research models contrasting socioeconomics inequalities in the urban context | Urban Health. Partecipatory action-research models contrasting socioeconomic inequalities in the urban context | 2020 |
Rurality, landscaping, tourism and sustainble development | RURBAN SEQUENCES Inquiries on Dropull’s states of Liminality | 2020 |
Urban health multidisciplinary actions promoting health in an urban environment | Urban Health. Partecipatory action-research models contrasting socioeconomic inequalities in the urban context | 2020 |
Urban regeneration for urban health | Green Energy and Technology | 2020 |
Rigenerazione urbana / Urban Regeneration | Adattarsi al clima che cambia. Innovare la conoscenza per il progetto ambientale/Adapting to the changind climate. Innovating knowledge for the enviromental project | 2020 |
Abitare il Domani. Sistemi insediativi post (post) COVID | Un Futuro per i Centri Storici Scenari Possibili nell’era Post Covid | 2020 |
Painted Surfaces in Contemporary Architecture | Science and Art: The Contemporary Painted Surface | 2020 |
Recupero di calore | Architettura Progettazione Restauro Tecnologia Urbanistica | 2020 |
Torre di ventilazione | Architettura Progettazione Restauro Tecnologia Urbanistica | 2020 |
Performative Architecture and Wooden Structures. Overview on the Main Research Paths in Europe | Digital Wood Design Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design | 2019 |
Il punto di vista… di Alessandra Battisti nel capitolo 3.4 Verso l’efficientamento energetico | Patrimoni PA net. Rapporto 2018 | 2019 |
Review and Mapping of Parameters for the Early Stage Design of Adaptive Building Technologies through Life Cycle Assessment Tools | ENERGIES | 2019 |
Social inequalities in the metropolitan area of Rome. A multidisciplinary analysis of the urban segregation of the "formerly-bastogi" compound | ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ | 2019 |
A Multi-criteria analysis tool for rethinking cultural heritage in evolving cities – naturalistic approach | WORLD HERITAGE and LEGACY Culture, Creativity, Contamination Le Vie dei Mercanti XVII International Forum | 2019 |
A Multi-criteria analysis tool for rethinking cultural heritage in evolving cities – naturalistic approach | WORLD HERITAGE and LEGACY Culture, Creativity, Contamination Le Vie dei Mercanti XVII International Forum | 2019 |
My research interests include:
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma