Carlotta Rucci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Deep learning image reconstruction algorithm: impact on image quality in coronary computed tomography angiography LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2023
Radiomics applications in cardiac imaging: a comprehensive review LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2023
Diagnostic performance of CT lung severity score and quantitative chest CT for stratification of COVID-19 patients LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2022
Post-infarction ventricular septal rupture with a contained right ventricular pseudoaneurysm formation BJR CASE REPORTS 2022
Automated identification of coronary arteries in assisting inexperienced readers: comparison between two commercial vendors DIAGNOSTICS 2022
Radiomics in oncology, part 1: technical principles and gastrointestinal application in CT and MRI CANCERS 2021
Imaging of abdominal complications of COVID-19 infection BJR|OPEN 2021
Radiomics in oncology, part 2: thoracic, genito-urinary, breast, neurological, hematologic and musculoskeletal applications CANCERS 2021
Postacute sequelae of COVID-19 pneumonia: 6-month chest CT follow-up RADIOLOGY 2021
Chest CT texture-based radiomics analysis in differentiating COVID-19 from other interstitial pneumonia LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2021
Perioperative Chemotherapy with FLOT Scheme in Resectable Gastric Adenocarcinoma: A Preliminary Correlation between TRG and Radiomics APPLIED SCIENCES 2021
Chest CT Features of COVID-19 in Rome, Italy RADIOLOGY 2020
Quantitative Chest CT analysis in discriminating COVID-19 from non-COVID-19 patients LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2020
Typical and atypical COVID-19 computed tomography findings WORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASES 2020

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