Angela Pomaro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Winds and waves in the Arabian Gulf: Physics, characteristics and long-term hindcast INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY 2023
IR System for Short and Long Term Retrieval Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2023) 2023
The 2015 exceptional swell in the Southern Pacific: Generation, advection, forecast and implied extremes PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY 2022
Synergic use of altimeter and model sea level data in inner and coastal seas REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 2021
An exceptionally high wave at the CNR-ISMAR oceanographic tower in the Northern Adriatic Sea SCIENTIFIC DATA 2021
The Mediterranean sea we want OCEAN AND COASTAL RESEARCH 2021
Wind waves in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario and implications for the coasts INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY 2020
European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA): A Contribution to the Design of the European Copernicus Infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration REMOTE SENSING 2020
The October 29, 2018 storm in Northern Italy – An exceptional event and its modeling 2019
Unraveling climatic wind and wave trends in the Red Sea using wave spectra partitioning JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 2018
39 years of directional wave recorded data and relative problems, climatological implications and use SCIENTIFIC DATA 2018
Climatology and trends of the Adriatic Sea wind waves: analysis of a 37-year long instrumental data set INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY 2017
The climatology of the Red Sea – part 1: the wind INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY 2017
The climatology of the Red Sea – part 2: the waves INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY 2017
The 1966 flooding of Venice: What time taught us for the future OCEANOGRAPHY 2016

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