Francesco Valerio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Scribes and Scripts in the Library of the Monastery of the Archangel Michael at Phantoou. Two Case Studies Coptic Literature in Context (4th-13th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Production, and Manuscript Archaeology Proceedings of the Third Conference of the ERC Project “Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context (‘PAThs’)”. 2020
Codicological and Palaeographical Description Detecting Early Mediaeval Coptic Literature in Dayr Al-Anbā Maqār, between Textual Conservation and Literary Rearrangement: The Case of Vat.copt. 57 2019
Girolamo Vitelli prima dei papiri Polymatheia. Studi classici offerti a Mario Capasso 2018
Vat. copt. 57: A Codicological, Literary, and Paratextual Analysis COMPARATIVE ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPT STUDIES BULLETIN 2018
Coppa di Nestore AXON 2017
Tre epigrammi di Massimo Planude Il Calamo della memoria VII 2017
Analecta Byzantina MEDIOEVO GRECO 2016
Quattro note al Vienna Epigrams Papyrus (CPR XXXIII) ANALECTA PAPYROLOGICA 2016

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