Giada Romano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Building a Renewable Energy Community for the Tor Sapienza district in Rome JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2023
Verso la neutralità climatica di architetture e città green. Sperimentazioni e casi di studio nel Nord e Mittel Europa 2023
Evoluzione urbana e sociale dell’edilizia popolareIl caso INCIS Decima e UNRRA Casas San Basilio a Roma Storie di quartieri pubblici. Progetti e sperimentazioni per valorizzare l’abitare 2022
Transformation of a historical building into a Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2022
Energy and Environmental Refurbishment of the Hygiene Institute within the Sapienza University of Rome campus JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2022
Technical issues, comfort, and energy efficiency The School of Mathematics at Rome's university campus, Gio Ponti 1935 2022
Una strategia partecipata e adattiva per riattivare Tor Bella Monaca Architettura e Tecnologia per l'Abitare: Upcycling degli edifici ERP di Tor Bella Monaca a Roma 2021
Halving of consumption and energy efficiency of the “Mario Pagano” National boarding school in Campobasso E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 2021
Refurbishment and electrification in the hotel sector: four hotels in the historic centre of Rome E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 2021
Refurbishment of a house in a historical building: energy saving, electrification and flexibility E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 2020
Historical analysis and refurbishment proposal of the “Red schools” in Viterbo E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 2020
Energy refurbishment of the general physiology institute at Sapienza university campus JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2019


  • SH7_5
  • PE8_3
  • PE8_6
  • PE8_11
  • PE8_16


  • Sustainable technologies & development

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma