Silvia Picazio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Out with the old and in with the new: the contribution of prefrontal and cerebellar areas to backward inhibition CEREBELLUM 2020
Effects of cerebellar theta burst stimulation on contralateral motor cortex excitability in patients with Alzheimer's disease BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY 2020
Effect of rotigotine vs placebo on cognitive functions among patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer disease. A randomized clinical trial JAMA NETWORK OPEN 2020
Intermittent cerebellar theta burst stimulation improves visuo-motor learning in stroke patients: a pilot study CEREBELLUM 2020
Improving visuo-motor learning with cerebellar theta burst stimulation: behavioral and neurophysiological evidence NEUROIMAGE 2020
Impaired spike timing dependent cortico-cortical plasticity in Alzheimer's disease patients JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 2018
Dysfunctional inhibitory control in Parkinson's disease patients with levodopa-induced dyskinesias JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 2018
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the precuneus enhances memory and neural activity in prodromal Alzheimer's disease NEUROIMAGE 2018
Transcranial magnetic stimulation predicts cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer's disease JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY 2018
Altered inhibitory interaction among inferior frontal and motor cortex in l-dopa-induced dyskinesias MOVEMENT DISORDERS 2016
Spike-timing-dependent plasticity in the human dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex NEUROIMAGE 2016
Shaping pseudoneglect with transcranial cerebellar direct current stimulation and music listening FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 2015
A network centred on the inferior frontal cortex is critically involved in levodopa-induced dyskinesias BRAIN 2015
Cerebellar Control on Prefrontal-Motor Connectivity During Movement Inhibition CEREBELLUM 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma