Paola Di Mascio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A comparative study on air emissions generated by aircraft and passenger cars at a medium-size Italian airport Proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2022 2022
Asfalti tappabuche e Green Deal STRADE & AUTOSTRADE 2022
Pavimentazioni sostenibili per piste ciclabili LE STRADE 2022
Cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità. Soluzioni e strategie per investimenti sostenibili 2022
Cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità: Soluzioni e strategie per gli investimenti infrastrutturali in un contesto di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici e di mitigazione delle emissioni di gas-serra - Rapporto della “Commissione cambiamenti climatici, infrastrutture e mobilità sostenibili” 2022
ROADS—Rover for Bituminous Pavement Distress Survey: An Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) Prototype for Pavement Distress Evaluation SENSORS 2022
How the tower air traffic controller workload influences the capacity in a complex three-runway airport INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Effects of departure manager and arrival manager systems on airport capacity JOURNAL OF AIRPORT MANAGEMENT 2021
Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements in Airports: Structural–Economic Evaluation and Proposal for a Catalogue INFRASTRUCTURES 2021
Failure behavior of functionally graded roller compacted concrete pavement under mode I and III fracture CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 2021
Monitor activity for the implementation of a pavement—management system at cagliari airport SUSTAINABILITY 2021
Technical proposal for monitoring thermal and mechanical stresses of a runway pavement SENSORS 2021
Effect of sampietrini pavers on urban heat islands INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Economic evaluation of cement grouted bituminous mixes for airport pavements MATERIALS 2021
Proposal and implementation of a heliport pavement management system: Technical and economic comparison of maintenance strategies SUSTAINABILITY 2021
Influence of tower air traffic controller workload and airport layout on airport capacity JOURNAL OF AIRPORT MANAGEMENT 2021
Walking on the safe side: a methodology to assess pavements quality conditions for pedestrian TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PROCEDIA 2020
Methodology and evidence from a case study in Rome to increase pedestrian safety along home-to-school routes JOURNAL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 2020
Automatic crack detection on road pavements using encoder-decoder architecture MATERIALS 2020
Ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks for automatic pavement crack detection and measurement COATINGS 2020


  • PE8_3


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca


Pavimentazioni stradali e aeroportuali

Sicurezza stradale e aeroportuale

Capacità aeroportuale


sicurezza stradale

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma