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Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Digital Connection, Real Bonding: Brief OnlineChats Boost Interpersonal Closeness Regardless of the Conversational Topic HELIYON 2024
Breaking the ice in a conversation: abstract words prompt dialogues more easily than concrete words LANGUAGE AND COGNITION 2023
Combined {EEG} and immersive virtual reality unveil dopaminergic modulation of error monitoring in Parkinson's Disease NPJ PARKINSON'S DISEASE 2023
Editorial: Physical and psychological proximity in humans: From the body to the mind and vice-versa FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2023
The social roots of self development: from a bodily to an intellectual interpersonal dialogue PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2023
Early categorization of social affordances during the visual encoding of bodily stimuli NEUROIMAGE 2023
The performance monitoring system is attuned to others' actions during dyadic motor interactions CEREBRAL CORTEX 2022
Midfrontal Theta Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Facilitates Motor Coordination in Dyadic Human{ extendash}Avatar Interactions JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2022
The Dopaminergic System Supports Flexible and Rewarding Dyadic Motor Interactive Behaviour in Parkinson’s Disease SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2022
Interpersonal motor interactions shape multisensory representations of the peripersonal space BRAIN SCIENCES 2021
It's a matter of (executive) load: Separation as a load-dependent resetting procedure BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES 2021
Competence-based social status and implicit preference modulate the ability to coordinate during a joint grasping task SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Abstract concepts in interaction: the need of others when guessing abstract concepts smooths dyadic motor interactions ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 2021
From individual to social spaces: low-and high-level mechanisms of interpersonal interactions COGNITIVE PROCESSING 2021
Visuo-motor interference with a virtual partner is equally present in cooperative and competitive interactions PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 2020
Inhibitory theta burst stimulation highlights the role of left aIPS and right TPJ during complementary and imitative human-avatar interactions in cooperative and competitive scenarios CEREBRAL CORTEX 2020
Role of the occipito-temporal Theta rhythm in hand visual identification JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2020
Modulation of preference for abstract stimuli following competence-based social status primes EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2020
Midline frontal and occipito-temporal activity during error monitoring in dyadic motor interactions CORTEX 2020
Dissociating cognitive, behavioral and physiological stress-related responses through dorsolateral prefrontal cortex inhibition PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 2020

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