Angelo Colonna


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
From the Filed to the Web and Back. Resuming Archaeological Activieties in Sudan VICINO ORIENTE 2022
Religious Practice and Cultural Construction of Animal Worship in Egypt from the Early Dynastic to the New Kingdom. Ritual forms, material display, historical development 2021
La letteratura funeraria La letteratura egiziana antica. Opere, generi, contesti. 2020
Contextualising Northern Egypt in Late Antiquity: An Archaeological Perspective from Western Delta Coptic Literature in Context (4th-13th cent.). Cultural Landscape, Literary Production, and Manuscript Archaeology. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the ERC Project Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature : Literary Texts in their Geographical Context (PAThs') 2020
Il toro Apis nel periodo protodinastico e nell'Antico Regno. Appunti per una ricerca Atti del XVIII Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia, Siracusa 20-23 settembre 2018 2020
Il Culto degli animali. Sotto il cielo di Nut. Egitto divino. 2020
Stele votiva in onore del toro Api (scheda 2.22) Sotto il cielo di Nut. Egitto divino. 2020
Statuetta di toro Api (scheda 2.23) Sotto il cielo di Nut. Egitto divino 2020
Il toro Api "trasportatore" del defunto (scheda 2.24) Sotto il cielo di Nut. Egitto divino 2020
Infanzie divine. Tradizioni e modelli mitici dall'Egitto faraonico. Antiche infanzie. Percezioni e gestione sacrale del bambino nelle culture del Mediterraneo e del Vicino Oriente 2020
Egyptian Gods in Early State. Forms and Contexts of Presentation Egypt at its Origins 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt", Vienna, 10th - 15th September 2017 2020
The Egyptological research activities of Sapienza University of Rome. From archaeology to topography and beyond Archaeology in Africa Potentials and perspectives on laboratory & fieldwork research. Papers of the 1rst Workshop 2019
The "Scene of the Pelicans" in the Room of the Seasons: an Early Attestation of Animal Worship (?) EGYPTIAN & EGYPTOLOGICAL DOCUMENTS ARCHIVES LIBRARIES 2019
Gods in Translation. Dynamics of interculturality between Egypt and Byblos in the III millennium BC STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 2018
The gods of the others, the gods and the others Forms of acculturation and construction of difference in the Egyptian religion. Journée d’études in memory of Sergio Donadoni STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 2018
Nuove prospettive sul culto degli animali in Egitto. Il contributo dell’analisi storico-religiosa Atti del XVI Convegno di Egittologia e Papirologia Siracusa 29 settembre-2 ottobre 2016 dedicati a Silvio Curto 2018
The Tombof Osiris: Perception, Representation and Cultural Construction of a Sacred Space in the Egyptian Tradition Proceedings of the V International Congress of Young Egyptologists 2018
Ricordo di Sergio Donadoni - Premessa STUDI E MATERIALI DI STORIA DELLE RELIGIONI 2018
Rethinking Egyptian animal worship (c. 3000 BC – c. 300 AD). Towards a historical-religious perspective Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists: Florence Egyptian Museum Florence, 23-30 August 2015 2017
Translating Stones. Movement, Meaning, and Metaphor of the Rosetta Stone and the Obelisk of Philae ATTI E MEMORIE DELL'ACCADEMIA GALILEIANA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI IN PADOVA. PARTE I. ATTI 2017

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