Antonino Raco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Odontoid screw placement for Anderson type II odontoid fractures. how do duration from injury to surgery and clinical and radiological factors influence the union rate? A multicenter retrospective study JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. SPINE 2020
Letter: Internal Auditory Canal Variability: Anatomic Variation Affects Cisternal Facial Nerve Visualization OPERATIVE NEUROSURGERY 2020
Fenestration of Peritoneal Catheter to Avoid Abdominal Pseudocyst Formation after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts: A Technical Note JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY. PART A, CENTRAL EUROPEAN NEUROSURGERY 2020
Epidural bleeding secondary to a synovial cyst rupture. a case report and review of literature BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY 2020
Impact of early surgery of ruptured cerebral aneurysms on vasospasm and hydrocephalus after SAH: Our preliminary results CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY 2020
Corrigendum to “Spinal dural tenting sutures in intradural tumor surgery: A technical insight” [J Clin Neurosci 61 (2019) 322–323] (Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2019) 61 (322–323), (S0967586818315510), (10.1016/j.jocn.2018.10.085)) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2020
Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Blister Aneurysms: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis AJNR, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY 2020
Spinal Meningiomas Prognostic Evaluation Score (SPES). predicting the neurological outcomes in spinal meningioma surgery NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW 2019
Hypnosis Aided Awake Surgery for the Management of Intrinsic Brain Tumors versus Standard Awake-Asleep-Awake Protocol. a preliminary, promising experience WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Pneumoventricle of Unknown Origin. A Personal Experience and Literature Review of a Clinical Enigma WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Spinal epidural lipomatosis. weight loss cure WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Minimally invasive surgery for the treatment of traumatic monosegmental thoracolumbar burst fractures. clinical and radiologic outcomes of 144 patients with a 6-year follow-up comparing two groups with or without intermediate screw CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY 2019
Long-term clinical outcomes after bilateral laminotomy or total laminectomy for lumbar spinal stenosis. a single-institution experience NEUROSURGICAL FOCUS 2019
Spinal Mixopapillary Ependymoma: the Sapienza University Experience and Comprehensive Literature Review concerning the Clinical Course of 1602 Patients WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Spatial and temporal characteristics of the spine muscles activation during walking in patients with lumbar instability due to degenerative lumbar disk disease: Evaluation in pre-surgical setting HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE 2019
Microsurgical Treatment of Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms: A 20-year Single-institution Experience JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY. PART A, CENTRAL EUROPEAN NEUROSURGERY 2019
Aggressive Vertebral Hemangioma Causing Acute Spinal Cord Compression JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCES IN RURAL PRACTICE 2019
Spinal dural tenting sutures in intradural tumor surgery: A technical insight JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2019
In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding “Hypnosis-Aided Awake Surgery for the Management of Intrinsic Brain Tumors versus Standard Awake-Asleep-Awake Protocol. A Preliminary, Promising Experience” WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Spinal cordectomy for the management of thoracic malignant intraspinal tumors in paraplegic or irreversibly, severely paraparetic patients. A technical remark JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2019

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