Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Teorema del punto fisso di Banach-Caccippoli | LE SCIENZE | 2023 |
Some remarks on segregation of k species in strongly competing systems | INTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES | 2021 |
Geometry of the limiting solution of a strongly competing system | LECTURE NOTES OF TICMI | 2020 |
On the limit configuration of four species strongly competing systems | NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS | 2019 |
BIOMAT 1.0 | BIOMAT 1.0 | 2018 |
Oscillating solutions for nonlinear Helmholtz equations | ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK | 2017 |
Esercizi svolti di Analisi Vettoriale e complementi di teoria | Esercizi svolti di Analisi Vettoriale e complementi di teoria | 2017 |
Singularly perturbed elliptic problems with nonautonomous asymptotically linear nonlinearities | NONLINEAR ANALYSIS | 2015 |
Are there alternative ways to quantify the real benefit of novel agents in oncology? – the ‘death pace’ | CANCER BIOLOGY & THERAPY | 2015 |
Fourier e le onde del destino... | X LA TANGENTE | 2015 |
nonlinear ordinary differential equations, nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations
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