Nadia Cannata


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Il suono e il segno: oralità e scrittura in un corpus di iscrizioni medievali I TESTI E LE VARIETÀ 2024
The «Diffuseum» in Rome Promenades dans Rome, Assembly Practices between Visions, Ruins and Reconstructions 2023
Rappresentare l’idea della lingua attraverso il tempo, lo spazio e le culture: esperienze passate e nuovi progetti VERSO IL MUSEO MULTIMEDIALE DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA Riflessioni, esperienze, linguaggi 2023
Ideas of Europe 2023
Dante e Colocci: la linguistica dantesca e il pensiero linguistico del primo Rinascimento italiano Dante, lacasata sveva e la questione della lingua 2023
Il corpo della lingua. nomi, forme e limiti della rappresentazione di un’idea TRANSCRIPT 2022
Editing (and publishing) medieval vernacular inscriptions in a digital environment: potential and limitations AIUCD 2021 – DHs for Society: e-quality, participation, rights and values in the Digital Age. Book of extended abstracts of the 10th National Conference (available at 2021
Introduction Museums of Language and the Display of INtangible Cultural Heritage 2020
Eurotales: A museum of the voices of Europe 2020
Chapter 12 Le scritture esposte e il latino in Italia fra XIV e XV secolo Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Albasitensis 2020
Museums of Language and the Display of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2019
Building the Canon in 1530s Rome: Colocci’s epigrammatari as a Test Case Building the Canon Through the Classics. Imitation and Variation in Renaissance Italy (1350-1580) , Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2019, 2019
Tra testo e scritture: Monaci e l'Archvio Paleografico Italiano (1882-1918) STUDJ ROMANZI 2019
Editing Colocci's Collection of Epigrams and a few Issues in Textual Criticism Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis. Proceedings of Sixteenth Century Internatonal Congress of Neo-Latin Studies 2018
EDV – Italian Medieval Epigraphy in the Vernacular. Some Editorial Problems Discussed, Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy: from Practice to Discipline 2018
Scrivere per tutti. Il volgare esposto in Italia (secc. IX-XV) CRITICA DEL TESTO 2018
EDV - Epigraphic Database Vernacular (Public Script in Italy, IXth c.- to the year 1500) 2018
EDV - Italian Medieval Epigraphy iin the Vernacular: some Editorial Problems Discussed Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy: From Practice to Discipline. 2018
Paleografia, filologia romanza ed Italiana: Ernesto Monaci e Roma LITTERAE CAELESTES 2018
EDV - Italian Medieval Epigraphy in the Vernacular. A New Database Off the Beaten Track. Epigraphy at the Borders. Proceedings of the VI Eagle International Meeting (24-25 September 2015) 2016


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Interessi di ricerca

Nadia Cannata (Dott. Lett., Rome D.Phil, Oxon) is Professor of Italian Linguistics and Philology at Sapienza, Rome. She was Post-Doctoral Fellow (1991-2) and Leverhulme Grant Scholar of the British Academy (2001-2), Lecturer at Oxford University (1991-2) and at the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Reading (1992-2002), Fellow at the Harvard Center at Villa I Tatti (1998). She specialises in the Renaissance and has published on book history; poetry, vernacular and Neo-Latin; linguistic and literary theory, and their interrelations with fine art in the early Renaissance; orality and written records in Early Modern Europe. She was one of the curators of the exhibition I libri che hanno fatto l’Europa (Rome, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2016) and directs the research project EDV (Italian Medieval Epigraphy in the Vernacular, 2016-).

Her most recent project concerns the creation in Sapienza of a Casa delle Lingue and a museum, EUROTALES - A Museum of the Voices of Europe which hosts both a research hub on the linguistic heritage and language cultures of Europe and an exhibiting space - both physical and virtual - curated by students and staff from the Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali, and the international partners of the project. She has published, with co-authors M.W. Gahtan and M.J.M. Sonmez the first comprehensive study of language museums : Language Museums and the Display of Intangoble Cultural Hetitage (Routledge, 2020).

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