Walter Paternesi Meloni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
What has driven the delinking of wages from productivity? A political economy-based investigation for high-income economies What has driven the delinking of wages from productivity? A political economy-based investigation for high-income economies 2021
Mes, le ragioni del no GLI STATI UNITI D'EUROPA 2020
When Melius Abundare Is No Longer True: Excessive Financialization and Inequality as Drivers of Stagnation REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 2020
Kaldor 3.0: An Empirical Investigation of the Verdoorn-augmented Technical Progress Function REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 2020
Tertiarization, productivity and aggregate demand: evidence-based policies for European countries JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICS 2020
Reverse hysteresis? Persistent effects of autonomous demand expansions CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2020
Unemployment and Income Distribution: Some Extensions of Shaikh’s Analysis INET working paper series 2020
Exploring the determinants of labour productivity growth in Italian regions: a Kaldorian perspective 2020
Produttività e domanda aggregata: una verifica della legge di Kaldor-Verdoorn per l’economia italiana ECONOMIA & LAVORO 2019
Demand and Supply-side Drivers of Labour Productivity Growth: an empirical assessment for G7 countries 2019
Rapporto Annuale INPS 2019
Some Evidence from Reforms in Europe in the Last 20 Years: Place-based Development Policies at Work European Regional Development: Fate, Fortune or Good Policies? 2018
PIL potenziale e tasso di partecipazione: proposta per finanziare il reddito minimo ECONOMIA E POLITICA 2018
Austerità in Italia: i sacrifici alimentano il debito ECONOMIA E POLITICA 2018
Economic growth, welfare models and inequality in the context of globalisation THE ECONOMIC AND LABOUR RELATIONS REVIEW 2018
Italy’s Price Competitiveness: An Empirical Assessment Through Export Elasticities ITALIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 2018
A short story of the Phillips curve: from Phillips to Friedman...and back? REVIEW OF KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS 2018
La ripresa e lo spettro dell’austerità competitiva ECONOMIA E POLITICA 2018
Reddito minimo e output gap: trucchetto contabile o questione politica? ECONOMIA E POLITICA 2018
Structural change, labour productivity and the Kaldor-Verdoorn law: evidence from European countries Departmental Working Papers of Economics - University 'Roma Tre' from Department of Economics - University Roma Tre 2018


  • SH1_1
  • SH1_2
  • SH1_13
  • SH3_8

Interessi di ricerca

Applied macroeconomics; international trade; comparative political economy; labour market indicators and trends; income inequality; welfare models; local and regional development.



© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma