Walter Paternesi Meloni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Is labour force participation independent of unemployment? A panel analysis for high income countries INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER 2024
Okun vs. Verdoorn. distinguishing between cyclical and structural effects of output on productivity ECONOMIA POLITICA 2024
Kaldorian cumulative causation in the Euro area: an empirical assessment of divergent export competitiveness FMM working paper series ISSN 2512-8655 2024
How did mediterranean economies transit to export-led growth. an analysis of the determinants of international competitiveness The political economy of mediterranean Europe. a growth models perspective 2024
What lies behind export-led growth. an inquiry into the role of price and non-price competitiveness REVIEW OF KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS 2024
Poles Apart? Alternative Welfare Trajectories under Finance-Dominated Capitalism INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 2023
Book review: Making social spending Work. By Peter H. Lindert. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 434 pp. (ISBN: 978-1-108-47816-8). BUSINESS HISTORY REVIEW 2023
L’andamento dei salari e della quota dei salari nel reddito nazionale Rapporto ASTRIL 2022 - Mercato del lavoro, contrattazione e salari in Italia: 1990-2021 2023
Wages, productivity and the evolution of the labour share in Italy: a sectoral analysis through national accounts ECONOMIA & LAVORO 2023
Inflation and the NAIRU: assessing the role of long-term unemployment as a cause of hysteresis ECONOMIC MODELLING 2022
The decoupling between labour compensation and productivity in high-income countries: Why is the nexus broken? BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 2022
The evolution of wages, labour cost and the labour share in national income: a sectoral analysis (1970-2020) The evolution of wages, labour cost and the labour share in national income: a sectoral analysis (1970-2020) 2022
Exporting differently? The political economy of alternative export-led strategies FMM working paper series 2022
Salari, distribuzione e costo del lavoro: un’analisi aggregata, settoriale e di genere del caso italiano nel contesto europeo 2022
On the non-inflationary effects of long-term unemployment reductions INET Working Paper n°156/2021 2021
Output, investment, and productivity: the Italian North-South regional divide from a Kaldor-Verdoorn approach REGIONAL STUDIES 2021
Unemployment and the wage share: a long-run exploration for major mature economies STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS 2021
Output gap, participation and minimum income: a proposal for Italy JOURNAL OF POST KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS 2021
Welfare models and demand-led growth regimes before and after the financial and economic crisis REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY 2021
The price vs. non-price competitiveness conundrum: a post-Keynesian comparative political economy analysis The price vs. non-price competitiveness conundrum: a post-Keynesian comparative political economy analysis 2021


  • SH1_1
  • SH1_2
  • SH1_13
  • SH3_8

Interessi di ricerca

Applied macroeconomics; international trade; comparative political economy; labour market indicators and trends; income inequality; welfare models; local and regional development.



© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma