Elena Gangitano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Chondrosarcoma of the cavernous sinus treated with postoperative proton radiation therapy: case report and endocrinological follow up at 24 months Atti in Congresso Nazionale SIE 2021 2021
Central obesity, smoking habit, and hypertension are associated with lower antibody titres in response to COVID‐19 mRNA vaccine DIABETES/METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS 2021
Chronobiology and Metabolism: Is Ketogenic Diet Able to Influence Circadian Rhythm? FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 2021
Ketogenic diet for obese COVID-19 patients: is respiratory disease a contraindication? A narrative review of the literature on ketogenic diet and respiratory function FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION 2021
La Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, una patologia epatica di interesse endocrinologico L'ENDOCRINOLOGO 2021
Nickel sensitivity is associated with GH-IGF1 axis impairment and pituitary abnormalities on MRI in overweight and obese subjects INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2020
The A-ring reduction of 11-ketotestosterone is efficiently catalysed by AKR1D1 and SRD5A2 but not SRD5A1 JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2020
AKR1D1 regulates androgen availability in vitro by generating metabolites that are unable to activate the androgen receptor Endocrine AbstractsENDOCRINE ABSTRACTS 2020
Body composition, oxidative stress and bone strength parameters in patients with obesity: a cross sectional observational study European and International Congress on Obesity, Dublin, Ireland, May 2020 2020
Circulating lymphocytes characterization in obese subjects: a correlation with risk factors for cancer Atti in OPERA (Obesity, Programs of nutrition, Education, Research and Assessment of the best treatment) Workshop 2020
5b-reductase (AKR1D1) isoforms differentially regulate natural and synthetic glucocorticoid clearance and glucocorticoid receptor activation in vitro Endocrine Abstracts 2019
Regulation of AKR1D1 expression by primary bile acids in human hepatoma cells- Regolazione dell’espressione di AKR1D1 da parte degli acidi biliari primari in cellule di epatocarcinoma umano Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia, Abstract Book 2019
Oxytocin and emotional dysregulation in obese patients: a pilot study Endocrine Practice 2019
Binge eating disorder is associated with lower glucose levels three hours after an oral glucose tolerance test OBESITY FACTS 2019
FGF21 and body fat distribution, a predictor of metabolically "unhealthy" status? Atti del 40° congresso SIE 2019
Mangosteen Extract Shows a Potent Insulin Sensitizing Effect in Obese Female Patients: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. NUTRIENTS 2018
Overweight and obese patients with nickel allergy have a worse metabolic profile compared to weight matched non-allergic individuals PLOS ONE 2018
Impatto dei farmaci modulatori della proteina CFTR sulle alterazioni dell’asse GH – IGF-1 in pazienti adulti affetti da Fibrosi Cistica atti di Convegno Incontri Italiani di Endocrinologia e Metabolismo 2018 2018
Bmd/bmi ratio and trabecular bone score: new potential tools to assess the risk of fracture in obese patients Abstract Book AACE 2018 2018
Nutritional benchmarking: a top priority BIOMEDICAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH 2018

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