Anna Candida Felici


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Optimized method for mapping inorganic pigments by means of multispectral imaging combined with hyperspectral spectroscopy for the study of vincenzo pasqualoni’s wall painting at the basilica of S. Nicola in carcere in Rome MINERALS 2021
HR-FESEM-EDS study of corrosion pattern in Cu-Zn based alloy XI congresso nazionale AIAr. Abstract book 2021
Solid-state electrochemical characterization of emissions and authorities producing Roman brass coins MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2020
Antibacterial effect of zinc oxide-based nanomaterials on environmental biodeteriogens affecting historical buildings NANOMATERIALS 2020
Analytical chemistry approach in cultural heritage: the case of Vincenzo Pasqualoni's wall paintings in S. Nicola in Carcere (Rome) MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2020
Caratterizzazione dei materiali impiegati nella miniatura dello Speculum corsiniano mediante analisi non invasive Il manoscritto 55.K.2 (Rossi 17). Le storie di san Francesco nello Speculum corsiniano 2020
On the chemical composition of psammoma bodies microcalcifications in thyroid cancer tissues JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS 2020
Roman orichalcum coins: a deep investigation from patina to core 2019
Microstructure and chemical composition of Roman orichalcum coins emitted after the monetary reform of Augustus (23 B.C.) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Pigment identification on Campana reliefs from the Palatine Hill and Colosseum Valley in Rome JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 2019
Multi-band infrared imaging for the characterization of underlying elements in the Santa Maria in Cosmedin altarpiece IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2019
Multi-technique characterisation of commercial alizarin-based lakes SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA. PART A, MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 2018
Characterization and digital restauration of XIV-XV centuries written parchments by means of non-destructive techniques. Three case studies JOURNAL OF SPECTROSCOPY 2018
Study of dezincification in orichalcum Roman coins Venticinque anni di AIAr Abstract Book 2018
Multispectral reflectance and UV fluorescence microscopy to study painting’s cross sections IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2018
Intrinsic limits of reflectance spectroscopy in identifying pigments in paint layers IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2018
A multi-analytical approach for the characterization of ancient Roman coins in orichalcum Congresso congiunto AIV-SGI-SIMP-SOGEI 2017
Spectral behavior of white pigment mixtures using reflectance, ultraviolet-fluorescence spectroscopy, and multispectral imaging APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 2017
The Identification of Titania Polymorphs in Different Samples of Cultural Heritage by Raman Spectroscopy Serbia - Italia 2016
Analisi di due dipinti con metodologie non distruttive: "Madonna con Bambino e San Giovannino" di Scuola Veneta e "Madonna con Bambino" di Matteo di Giovanni, conservati nel Museo dell'Accademia di San Luca a Roma. Tecnologie innovative per il trattamento di beni culturali. Applicazione delle onde elettromagnetiche per diagnosi e conservazione 2016


  • PE4_2
  • SH5_8


nondestructive testing (NDT).
X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
fibre optic (FORS)
UV-VIS-NIR multispectral imaging
cultural heritage diagnostic

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma