Marco La Torre


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Efficacy and safety of Propionibacterium extract gel versus glyceryl trinitrate ointment in the treatment of chronic anal fissure: a randomized controlled trial COLORECTAL DISEASE 2023
E-consensus on telemedicine in colorectal surgery: a RAND/UCLA-modified study UPDATES IN SURGERY 2022
Evaluation of a Gel Containing a Propionibacterium Extract in an In Vivo Model of Wound Healing INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2022
Endoscopic sinusectomy: ‘a rose by any other name’. A systematic review of different endoscopic procedures to treat pilonidal disease COLORECTAL DISEASE 2022
Editorial: Management and Treatment of Pilonidal Disease: 189 Years After Mayo FRONTIERS IN SURGERY 2022
Editorial: Management and Treatment of Pilonidal Disease: 189 Years After Mayo FRONTIERS IN SURGERY 2022
A worldwide survey on proctological practice during COVID-19 lockdown (ProctoLock 2020): a cross-sectional analysis COLORECTAL DISEASE 2021
Consensus statement of the Italian society of colorectal surgery (SICCR): management and treatment of pilonidal disease TECHNIQUES IN COLOPROCTOLOGY 2021
E-consensus on telemedicine in proctology: a RAND/UCLA-modified study SURGERY 2021
FISSIT (Fistula Surgery in Italy) study: A retrospective survey on the surgical management of anal fistulas in Italy over the last 15 years SURGERY 2021
Delayed benign surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. The other side of the coin BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2020
Differences between computed tomoghaphy and surgical findings in acute complicated diverticulitis ASIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2019
Clinical outcomes of patients with hollow viscous injuries after a blunt abdominal trauma: the influence of diagnostic and therapeutic delay and the predictive role of BIPS EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY 2018
Primary leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava Surgery of the Inferior Vena Cava A Multidisciplinary Approach 2017
An alternative surgery for an atypical kind of grade C postoperative pancreatic fistula following pancreaticoduodenectomy ANTICANCER RESEARCH 2017
Hollow viscus injuries. Predictors of outcome and role of diagnostic delay THERAPEUTICS AND CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2017
Operative and nonoperative management for renal trauma. Comparison of outcomes. A systematic review and meta-analysis THERAPEUTICS AND CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT 2017
Being positive despite illness: the contribution of positivity to the quality of life of cancer patients PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 2016
Pre-treatment evaluation of 5-fluorouracil degradation rate. association of poor and ultra-rapid metabolism with severe toxicity in a colorectal cancer patients cohort ONCOTARGET 2016
5-Fluorouracil degradation rate could predict toxicity in stages II-III colorectal cancer patients undergoing adjuvant FOLFOX ANTI-CANCER DRUGS 2016

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma