Carlo Ricotta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Spatial analysis of phylogenetic community structure. New version of a classical method COMMUNITY ECOLOGY 2017
CO2sequestration in two mediterranean dune areas subjected to a different level of anthropogenic disturbance ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 2017
British plants as aliens in New Zealand cities: residence time moderates their impact on the beta diversity of urban floras BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS 2017
Modeling the ecological niche of long-term land use changes. The role of biophysical factors ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2016
Incorporating spatial autocorrelation in rarefaction methods. Implications for ecologists and conservation biologists ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2016
Biotic homogenization of urban floras by alien species. The role of species turnover and richness differences JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 2016
A family of functional dissimilarity measures for presence and absence data ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2016
'Equivalent numbers' for species, phylogenetic or functional diversity in a nested hierarchy of multiple scales METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2016
Measuring the functional redundancy of biological communities. A quantitative guide METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2016
Limited evidence of local phylogenetic clustering in the urban flora of Brussels PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2015
Climate-driven past fires in central Sicily PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 2015
A multiple-site dissimilarity measure for species presence/absence data and its relationship with nestedness and turnover ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2015
A classical measure of phylogenetic dissimilarity and its relationship with beta diversity BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY 2015
A cautionary note on some phylogenetic dissimilarity measures JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY 2015
Modelling the meteorological forest fire niche in heterogeneous pyrologic conditions PLOS ONE 2015
Mapping forest fuels through vegetation phenology. The role of coarse-resolution satellite time-series PLOS ONE 2015
A multivariate approach for mapping fire ignition risk: the example of the National Park of Cilento (Southern Italy) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2015
Potential of remote sensing to predict species invasions. A modelling perspective PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 2015
Let the concept of indicator species be functional! JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 2015
Measuring similarity among plots including similarity among species. An extension of traditional approaches JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 2015


  • LS8_1
  • LS8_2


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

Community ecology and biodiversity of plants

Landscape ecology and remote sensing


Quantitative and spatial ecology

Fire ecology

Invasion ecology


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma