Lucia Marti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The ancient battle between plants and pathogens: plant cell wall resilience and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) drive plant immunity Plant Cell Walls - Research Milestones and Conceptual Insights 2023
The ancient battle between plants and pathogens: plant cell wall resilience and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) drive plant immunity Plant Cell Walls - Research Milestones and Conceptual Insights 2023
Clamping, bending, and twisting inter-domain motions in the misfold-recognizing portion of UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase STRUCTURE 2021
The plasma membrane-associated Ca2+ - binding protein PCaP1 is required for oligogalacturonide and flagellin-induced priming and immunity PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 2021
Arabidopsis thaliana response to extracellular DNA: self versus nonself exposure PLANTS 2021
The Arabidopsis thaliana LYSM-CONTAINING RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE 2 is required for elicitor-induced resistance to pathogens PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 2021
Improved resistance to pathogens through the induced release of damage-associated molecular patterns 31st international conference on arabidopsis research abstract book 2021
Homeostasis of cell wall damps and role in the growth-defense trade-off The 7th International Conference On Plant Cell Wall Biology (program and Abstract) 2021
The intracellular ROS accumulation in elicitor-induced immunity requires the multiple organelle-targeted Arabidopsis NPK1-related protein kinases PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 2020
EFR-mediated innate immune response in arabidopsis thaliana is a useful tool for identification of novel ERQC modulators GENES 2019
In planta preliminary screening of ER glycoprotein folding quality control (ERQC) modulators INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2018
Interdomain conformational flexibility underpins the activity of UGGT, the eukaryotic glycoprotein secretion checkpoint PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2017
Investigation of root signaling under heterogeneous salt stress: A case study for Cucumis sativus L ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2017
Awaiting better times: A quiescence response and adventitious root primordia formation prolong survival under cadmium stress in Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2016
Mixed nodule infection in Sinorhizobium meliloti-medicago sativa symbiosis suggest the presence of cheating behavior FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 2016
Potassium fluxes and reactive oxygen species production as potential indicators of salt tolerance in Cucumis sativus FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY 2016
Structures of mammalian ER α-glucosidase II capture the binding modes of broad-spectrum iminosugar antivirals PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2016

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