Laura Muzi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Body Uneasiness and Dissatisfaction Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Persons SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2023
Affective temperaments and depressive symptoms. The mediating role of attachment JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 2021
Eating pathology and Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM-2) diagnostic assessment: Implications for treatment outcomes in a psychodynamic-oriented residential setting PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2021
The mediator effect of personality on the relationship between symptomatic impairment and treatment outcome in eating disorders FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Rethinking treatment outcome in eating disorders: Measuring therapeutic change in psychological well-being, personality, and overall mental functioning MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
How to be a secure base. Therapists’ attachment representations and their link to attunement in psychotherapy ATTACHMENT & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2020
“Non ci si può mai nascondere dietro il lettino”: la soggettività del terapeuta tra clinica e ricerca Come posso esserti utile? Ricerca in psicoanalisi e dintorni 2020
Personality as a predictor of symptomatic change in a residential treatment setting for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2020
Diagnosi in transizione: l'influenza della personalità del terapeuta RICERCA PSICOANALITICA 2019
Diagnosticare i disturbi dell'alimentazione Alimentare il desiderio. Il trattamento istituzionale dei disturbi dell'alimentazione 2019
Esiti del trattamento Alimentare il desiderio. Il trattamento istituzionale dei disturbi dell'alimentazione 2019
Funzionamento mentale, risorse, equilibri adattivi: la "diagnosi psicologica" con il PDM-2 La psiche tra salute e malattia. Evidenze ed epidemiologia 2019
Evaluating empirically valid and clinically meaningful change in intensive residential treatment for severe eating disorders at discharge and at a 6-month follow-up EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS 2019
Outcomes of multimodal inpatient treatment for severe eating disorders using clinical and statistical significance MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
"Keeping mind in mind in psychotherapy": the influence of therapists' reflective functioning and personality on working alliance MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
Do therapists' subjective variables impact on psychodynamic psychotherapy outcomes? A systematic literature review CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOTHERAPY 2018
A clinically useful assessment of patients' (and therapists') mental functioning. M-Axis implications for the therapeutic alliance PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Do therapist personality and attachment impact on patient relational patterns in psychotherapy? A moderation analysis Abstract book 2018
Profilo del funzionamento mentale, Asse M Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual Second Edition, PDM-2 2018
Integrative inpatient treatment for eating disorders: Effectiveness and clinical significance of symptom changes MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018

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