Silvia Gigli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Imaging of carotid stenosis: where are we standing? Comparison of multiparametric ultrasound, CT angiography, and MRI angiography, with recent developments DIAGNOSTICS 2024
Thyroid nodule characterization: overview and state of the art of diagnosis with recent developments, from imaging to molecular diagnosis and artificial intelligence BIOMEDICINES 2024
Imaging of Acute Abdominopelvic Pain in Pregnancy and Puerperium—Part I: Obstetric (Non-Fetal) Complications DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Imaging of Acute Abdominopelvic Pain in Pregnancy and Puerperium-Part II: Non-Obstetric Complications DIAGNOSTICS 2023
Post treatment imaging in patients with local advanced cervical carcinoma FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY 2022
Correction to: Staging, recurrence and follow-up of uterine cervical cancer using MRI: Updated Guidelines of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology after revised FIGO staging 2018 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 2022
Staging, recurrence and follow-up of uterine cervical cancer using MRI: Updated Guidelines of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology after revised FIGO staging 2018 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY 2021
US-Elastography for breast lesion characterization: prospective comparison of US BIRADS, Strain Elastography and Shear wave Elastography ULTRASCHALL IN DER MEDIZIN 2020
The role of number of copies, structure, behavior and copy number variations (CNV) of the Y chromosome in male infertility GENES 2020
Y RNA: an overview of their role as potential biomarkers and molecular targets in human cancers CANCERS 2020
Postsurgical ultrasound evaluation of patients with prosthesis in acellular dermal matrix: results from monocentric experience INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY 2019
Texture analysis versus conventional MRI prognostic factors in predicting tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced cancer of the uterine cervix LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2019
The complementary role of imaging and tumor biomarkers in gynecological cancers: an update of the literature ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION 2018
Imaging strategy in recurrent ovarian cancer: a practical review ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY 2018
Morphological and semiquantitative kinetic analysis on dynamic contrast enhanced mri in triple negative breast cancer patients ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY 2018
Quality assurance of ultrasound systems: current status and review of literature JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND 2018
Magnetic resonance imaging tumor regression shrinkage patterns after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer: correlation with tumor biological subtypes and pathological response after therapy TUMOR BIOLOGY 2017
Role of galectin-3 combined with multi-detector contrast enhanced computed tomography in predicting disease recurrence in patients with ovarian cancer ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION 2017
Lipofilling outcomes mimicking breast cancer recurrence: case report and update of the literature ANTICANCER RESEARCH 2017

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma