Roberta Ruggieri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Heterogeneous mineralogical composition and fault behaviour. A systematic study in ternary fault rock compositions TECTONOPHYSICS 2024
How petrophysical properties influence the seismic signature of carbonate fault damage zone: Insights from forward-seismic modelling JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2023
Stress echocardiography in italian echocardiographic laboratories: a survey of the italian society of echocardiography and cardiovascular imaging JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ECHOGRAPHY 2023
Organization and Activity of Italian Echocardiographic Laboratories: A Survey of the Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ECHOGRAPHY 2023
From petrophysical properties to forward-seismic modeling of facies heterogeneity in the carbonate realm (Majella Massif, central Italy) JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2022
Basin modeling constrains source rock position and dimension in the Burano-Bolognano petroleum system (Central Italy) JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 2022
The role of shale content and pore-water saturation on frictional properties of simulated carbonate faults TECTONOPHYSICS 2021
The impact of facies heterogeneity on the seismic properties of carbonates: forward modeling and reservoirs potential EGU21-12865,, 2021 2021
Petrophysical properties of heavy oil-bearing carbonate rocks and their implications on petroleum system evolution. Insights from the Majella Massif MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2020
Facies heterogeneities and 3D porosity modelling in an Oligocene (Upper Chattian) carbonate ramp, Salento Peninsula, Southern Italy JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2020
Frictional strength, stability, and healing properties of basalt faults for CO2 storage purposes. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2020
Petrophysical properties variation of bitumen-bearing carbonates at increasing temperatures from laboratory to model GEOPHYSICS 2020
Effects of illite content on frictional properties of experimental carbonate faults. Geophysical Research Abstracts 2019
Oil distribution in outcropping carbonate-ramp reservoirs (Maiella Mountain, Central Italy). Three-dimensional models constrained by dense historical well data and laboratory measurements AAPG BULLETIN 2018
Temperature effects on acoustic measurements conducted on bitumen-saturated carbonate rocks of the Majella reservoir (Central Italy) Abstract book 2018
Influence of bitumen on the petrophysical properties of the Bolognano formation: a multidisciplinary approach applied to an area of the northern flank of Majella Abstract Book, Petroleum Geology Student Contest- 2nd edition 2017

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