Mattia La Torre


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Telomeres: an organized string linking plants and mammals BIOLOGY DIRECT 2024
Preserving Genome Integrity: Unveiling the Roles of ESCRT Machinery CELLS 2024
Impact of diffused versus vasculature targeted DNA damage on the heart of mice depleted of telomeric factor Ft1 AGING CELL 2023
Phase separation in the nucleus and at the nuclear periphery during post-mitotic nuclear envelope reformation CELLS 2022
Combined alteration of lamin and nuclear morphology influences the localization of the tumor-associated factor AKTIP JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 2022
AKTIP interacts with ESCRT I and is needed for the recruitment of ESCRT III subunits to the midbody PLOS GENETICS 2021
Changes in gene expression in human skeletal stem cells transduced with constitutively active Gsα correlates with hallmark histopathological changes seen in fibrous dysplastic bone PLOS ONE 2020
Interplay of the nuclear envelope with chromatin in physiology and pathology NUCLEUS 2020
Mice with reduced expression of the telomere-associated protein Ft1 develop p53-sensitive progeroid traits AGING CELL 2018
Genomic instability and DNA replication defects in progeroid syndromes NUCLEUS 2018
Protective role of vitamin B6 (PLP) against DNA damage in Drosophila models of type 2 diabetes SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
p53-sensitive epileptic behavior and inflammation in Ft1 hypomorphic mice FRONTIERS IN GENETICS 2018
The telomeric protein AKTIP interacts with A- and B-type lamins and is involved in regulation of cellular senescence OPEN BIOLOGY 2016
Mammalian telomeres and their partnership with lamins NUCLEUS 2016
AKTIP/Ft1, a new shelterin-interacting factor required for telomere maintenance PLOS GENETICS 2015
Transcriptional response of human neurospheres to helper-dependent CAV-2 vectors involves the modulation of DNA damage response, microtubule and centromere gene groups PLOS ONE 2015


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