Laura Calzolari


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The secret of ancient Roman hydraulic mortar. The lesson learnt from the past for future cements CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES 2024
How the materials knowledge of Roman mortars could be helpful for the production of future materials: The case of the Aqua Traiana aqueduct (Rome, Italy) CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH 2024
ON-Tech project – A bridge in restoration mortars TMM-CH 2023 3rd International Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture promoting mutual understanding and Peace 2023
#ScienzeABC: pills of digital knowledge to tell the Sciences Applied to Cultural Heritage XII Congresso Nazionale AIAr. Trent'anni di AIAr - Abstract book 2023
Lithic materials from the 109 AD Roman aqueduct Aqua Traiana, (Sette Botti caput aquae, Rome) PERIODICO DI MINERALOGIA 2023
Aqua Virgo: first characterization of mortars and plasters from the inner duct Abstract book: Congresso SIMP-SGI-AIV-SOGEI 2023 2023
Evaluation of the hydraulicity of ancient Roman mortars: the aqueducts of ancient Rome Abstract book: Congresso SIMP-SGI-AIV-SOGEI 2023 2023
On-Tech: characterization of ancient mortars for the development of new sustainable materials XII Congresso Nazionale AIAr. Trent'anni di AIAr - Abstract book 2023
Aqua Alexandrina and Fragole cistern: characterization of mortars from Roman constructions, Rome (Italy) ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2023
Insights on the Mortars of Ancient Roman Aqueducts: Aqua Virgo and Aqueduct Y, Rome (Italy) BUILDINGS 2023
On-Tech. Old new technology Atti del 2. Convegno annuale del Distretto Tecnologico per i Beni e le attività Culturali della Regione Lazio. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference DTC Lazio-Centre of Excellence (Lazio Technological District for Cultural Heritage) 2022
Aqua Alexandrina and Fragole tank at Tor Tre Teste (Rome): archaeometric characterization of hydraulic mortars Abstract book: Congresso SGI-SIMP 2022 - Geosciences for a sustainable future 2022
Still functioning ancient Roman aqueducts: characterization of the mortars of Aqua Traiana and Aqua Virgo Abstract book: Congresso SGI-SIMP 2022 - Geosciences for a sustainable future 2022
How the past can help the future 7th Symposium ARCH_RNT 2022
Metallurgical and statistical approaches to the study of cast iron street furniture METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS. A, PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 2021
Aqua Traiana, a Roman infrastructure embedded in the present. The mineralogical perspective MINERALS 2021
Binder characterization of ancient hydraulic mortars from Trajan’s aqueduct Abstract book XI congresso nazionale AIAr 2021
Mortars of the ancient Roman aqueduct Aqua Traiana: an archaeometric study about the aggregate fraction Abstract book BeGEO scientist, a young network. I congresso nazionale dei giovani geoscienziati 2021
Caratterizzazione preliminare dei materiali costruttivi dell'acquedotto Traiano Aqua Traiana. Le indagini fra Vicarello e Trevignano Romano. Nuove acquisizioni e prospettive di studio sull’acquedotto Traiano-Paolo 2021
Cast iron street furniture: a historical review ENDEAVOUR 2020

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