Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Mitochondrial DNA variation in Southern Tunisian populations | HUMAN BIOLOGY | 2024 |
The ethics of investigating cultural and genetic diversity of minority groups | HOMO | 2019 |
Scientists, citizens and goods | CURRENT SCIENCE | 2019 |
Height trends in males and females from the island of Crete and its prefectures at the turn of the 20th century | ANTHROPOLOGICAL NOTEBOOKS | 2019 |
Research biobanks. A two-faced future | SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE | 2018 |
Evaluating mtDNA patterns of genetic isolation using a re-sampling procedure: A case study on Italian populations | ANNALS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY | 2017 |
Between universal and local.Towards an evolutionary anthropology of emotions | ANTHROPOLOGICAL NOTEBOOKS | 2016 |
Samples and data accessibility in research biobanks. An explorative survey | PEERJ | 2016 |
When data sharing gets close to 100%. What human paleogenetics can teach the open science movement | PLOS ONE | 2015 |
Mi occupo dello studio delle relazioni tra isolamento genetico, geografico e culturale e tra strutture sociali e diversità genetica nelle popolazioni umane. Sono inoltre interessato agli aspetti etici legati alla condivisione dei dati e alla diffusione delle conoscenze scientifiche nella ricerca antropologica e biomedica.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma