Claudio Barbaranelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Safety culture, moral disengagement, and accident underreporting JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS 2017
Moral disengagement strategies in sex offenders PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW 2017
Comparing recall vs. recognition measures of accident under-reporting. A two-country examination ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION 2017
Psychometric characteristics of a new scale for measuring self-efficacy in the regulation of gambling behavior FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2017
Disentangling the roles of safety climate and safety culture: Multi-level effects on the relationship between supervisor enforcement and safety compliance ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION 2017
Safety climate and production pressure as moderators of workload-compliance link ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS 2017
Comparing recall vs. recognition measures of accident under-reporting ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNUAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS 2017
Development and psychometric testing of a theory-based tool to measure self-care in diabetes patients: the Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory BMC ENDOCRINE DISORDERS 2017
Moral disengagement and psychopathy: a study on offenders in italian jails PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW 2017
Psychometric evaluation of the Caregiver Preparedness Scale in caregivers of adults with heart failure RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH 2017
Being positive despite illness: the contribution of positivity to the quality of life of cancer patients PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH 2016
Self-efficacy configurations and wellbeing in the academic context. A person-centred approach PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES 2016
Studio longitudinale sul benessere e le attitudini degli Studenti di Medicina e Chirurgia. Primi risultati della fase 1: Le caratteristiche degli studenti selezionati MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 2016
Self-serving bias in the implicit and explicit evaluation of partners and exes as parents. A pilot study PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS 2016
On the applicability of the Big Five Implicit Association Test in organizational settings CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2016
Self-Esteem Implicit Association Test: A State or Trait Measure? Self-Esteem: Perspectives, Influences and Improvement Strategies 2016
Is the dissociative experiences scale able to identify detachment and compartmentalization symptoms? Factor structure of the dissociative experiences scale in a large sample of psychiatric and nonpsychiatric subjects NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASE AND TREATMENT 2016
The impact of specific preparatory corse upon academic success during Medical Degree-Course Studies at Sapienza University of Rome Abstract Book Amee 2016
TPC - Turning Potentials into Capacities: Manuale del test TPC - Turning Potentials into Capacities: Manuale del test 2016
Nurse moral disengagement NURSING ETHICS 2016

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