Giada Ercolani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Intravoxel incoherent motion MRI to assess feto-placental diffusion and perfusion properties in small fetuses LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2024
Impact of DWI and ADC values in Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) MRI score LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA 2023
Two-compartment perfusion MR IVIM model to investigate normal and pathological placental tissue JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING 2023
Fetal MRI: what’s new? A short review EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY EXPERIMENTAL 2023
Human placental microperfusion and microstructural assessment by intra-voxel incoherent motion MRI for discriminating intrauterine growth restriction: a pilot study THE JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE 2022
MRI and adenomyosis: what can radiologists evaluate? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Neuroimaging and cerebrovascular changes in fetuses with complex congenital heart disease JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2022
MRI- and Histologic-Molecular-Based Radio-Genomics Nomogram for Preoperative Assessment of Risk Classes in Endometrial Cancer CANCERS 2022
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in endometriosis-associated pain MINERVA OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2021
Can new ENZIAN score 2020 represent a staging system improving MRI structured report? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Role of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with isolated severe ventriculomegaly at neurosonography: a multicenter study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY, AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 2021
Role of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with isolated anomalies of corpus callosum: multinational study ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 2021
IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRI of fetal lung and kidney: Can the perfusion fraction be a marker of normal pulmonary and renal maturation? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 2021
When to ask for an MRI of the scrotum ANDROLOGY 2021
Role of prenatal magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with isolated mild or moderate ventriculomegaly in the era of neurosonography: international multicenter study ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 2020

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